Over the course of our lives, our parents sacrifice everything so we can be happy. They give us a home, put food on the table, send us to school, and teach us all the most valuable lessons you can learn to become a well-rounded adult.
At some point in our adult lives, many of us feel the need to give back to them in some way, to thank them for all these sacrifices, big and small.
For most, this means raising our own children the way our parents raised us. But for others, it's also giving them as many material pleasures as our wallets can handle. We want to give them things not just because we can, but because we know it will make them happier than we can ever imagine.
Michael Green had this in mind when he dragged his father, Charlie, to the parking lot of a Piggly Wiggly. He's heard the same story countless times: As a 16-year-old, Charlie lost the classic car he loved, a 1955 Chevy Bel Air.
It's been 50 years since that car was destroyed, but Charlie hasn't fallen out of love with it. In fact, he was so moved by the story of his car, that he cried seeing one just like it in the parking lot.
Little did he know it was already his: His son had bought it for his father, and it would only be a matter of time before he saw it in his own garage.
Now watch the clip to see the moment the tearful dad realizes the car he sees is actually for him!
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