Baby showers are meant to be fun events. Well, sort of fun. While not every guest loves playing bingo while the mother-to-be opens gifts, at least the onesies and stuffed animals are cute. And every baby deserves a little celebration. Same for every mom — pregnancy can be really tough.
That said, something unexpected can happen. Take, for example, this one video from a baby shower in Bolivia that took a really awkward turn. While it's in Spanish, just viewing the tense body language is enough to know how embarrassing this must have been for both the mother-to-be and the guests. Here's what happened.
Supposedly, in the middle of the shower, the presumed "father" brought in a lawyer with documents proving the baby isn't his. After the video was posted on Reddit, Redditor Amexbehindthescreen did their best to translate what was happening.
"He starts of by saying, 'I have my lawyer here, I have a document here, you know that I'm having a son,'" they wrote. "'Look, the pregnancy test. There's something else here, another detail. It says that you're 6 months pregnant, not 4."
Whether it's six or four, it still seems somewhat early to have a shower. That's one of the many details that made people wonder whether or not this moment was scripted.
“Calm down I want to clear a detail,” the guy said, per the Redditor. “Lawyer, continue with document. My argument is that you lied 3 years, and were sleeping with my friend. This party is for them and not me. I’ll leave it there.” From there, people started to get upset at the man wearing red, who is presumably the real father.
Redditor Li_alvart caught even more of the dialogue. The pregnant woman reportedly asked her husband if they could speak about this privately. There was also reportedly a woman's voice heard that said, "I told you not to do it this way." Thus, it's possible that more partygoers knew about the affair.
Redditors also felt as if more people were in the know than the mom-to-be thought. They noticed that the cameraman happened to know exactly where the real father was and made sure to get him in frame. Watching his reaction as this all unfolded is even more jaw-dropping.
"Yeah, we caught a few of Red Shirt's reactions," wrote The_Original_Gronkie. "First he's laughing along, then he got serious when he saw where this was going, then he starts pawing his head and covering his face, then he wanted to get out of there, but he was cornered. He did a pretty good job of extricating himself and out the gate with just a head full of cake. And he still had one buddy stand up for him as he slunk away."
Everyone had to applaud the work of the cameraman for catching it all. He caught the moment where the red-shirted cheater had cake thrown in his face, the father's angry reaction, and even the footage of the affair played on a laptop. It's puzzling how the "father" stayed so cool during the big announcement, but it was likely something he was planning for some time.
"I do believe this is all genuine, but the camera work made me stop and think," wrote The-Go-Kid. "Particularly when the chubby guy is shown on the laptop, then boom – camera pans up and he's standing there. It's the kind of blocking and camera moves you'd expect in a Spielberg movie."
While this was likely an embarrassing moment for the mother-to-be, it's somewhat fair considering she was likely setting up her husband to raise someone else's son. It's just interesting to figure out when he set up those cameras, and how long he was suspicious for. All in all, it's an awkward situation.
However, it's much more common than you think. According to Live Science, one out of every 25 dads are raising children they don't know aren't theirs. Those statistics are a bit alarming. "Here's the real news," the site wrote. "With modern methods, the truth will become known more frequently."
With DNA and Ancestry tests being much more popular, more people are learning their genetic makeup. Some are also learning they have siblings they don't know about. The results have exposed plenty of cheaters unintentionally. But these test are great for other reasons, as well.
For example, an at-home DNA test was the missing piece in solving a previously unsolved murder that happened in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, back in 1992. Party DJ Raymond Rowe, known as DJ Freez, was living life freely for 26 years before finally getting caught for killing a teacher. One of his relatives used a DNA kit for her own personal research, and the truth was finally figured out.
Prior to, information like this wasn't as readily available to individuals. But now it's easier than ever to figure out your genetic background and possibly secrets your parents didn't want you to know. If this bridal shower happened 15 years ago, it may have had a completely different ending. And it's possible that the mom-to-be was banking on her husband never knowing the full truth.
And there are plenty of dads-to-be who go out of their way to get paternity tests these days. Some can be done before the baby is even born. If they have any doubt, it's the smart — yet potentially awkward — choice. "In the United States, rates of paternity testing alone more than doubled to 310,490 between 1991 and 2001," Live Science writes.
Redditors did find it to be puzzling that she didn't seem to get any of the blame. While pregnant, she also cheated. "It's weird that the cheating wife seems to be getting a pass, maybe because she's 6 months pregnant," W__O__P__R writes. "But they're going to town on guy in red, yet the wife is the one who did the cheating. Sure, guy in red is an a*s for screwing his best friend's wife, but he's not totally to blame here." But other Redditors feel as if her blame will come at a later time. Right now, she has to focus on raising a child either by herself or with someone who looks to be a close friend of the family.
There's one way to get out of potentially dramatic situations like this — don't cheat. If you feel compelled to cheat, perhaps there's more going on in your marriage that needs to be addressed. Counseling can work wonders. But by going behind someone's back, you're showing them a lack of love and respect. Most times, relationships can't recover after a partner cheats.
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.