Steve Harvey Interviews The Policeman Who Bought A Dad A Car Seat For His Daughter

Steve Harvey always seems to find the best facial expressions when reacting to his guests. I think we can all agree that he is famous because of his glowing personality… And hilarious ways of expression.

When him and Ellen team up? Talk about talk-show heaven! Both of these talk-show stars are all about positivity, from helping people, showcasing kindness, and making people laugh… It's all uplifting content from them during the talk-show hours of the day.

With this episode clip you're about to see, you'll be shocked at this random act of kindness and compassion that can stand as a second chance for this man — all from a young policeman. After he pulls this young dad over for breaking the law, he decides to try and change the outcome of the situation.

Instead of taking him to jail, he takes him to Walmart.

Steve Harvey and I just were just as confused as you, at first, but listen as this amazing policeman describes his thought process in this situation himself. I'm very glad we have police officers like him in our communities. If more people could exist so beautifully and peacefully like these two men did, the world would be a much happier place.

Please SHARE this amazing story of compassion if you appreciate it as much as I do!