Most women agree the most important relationship they have with a man is theirs with their father. Fathers set the bar for how we expect to be treated by other men in our lives.
That's why it's important for all dads to treat their daughters with love and respect so they learn that this is how all men should behave toward them.
But one father in Canada is taking it a step further by taking his young child on dessert "dates" once a month. He treats her like a princess, opening doors for her and helping her pick out fancy outfits. Of course, this got his wife's approval!
His wife, Caitlin Fladager, is so proud of him and what he's trying to accomplish that she had to post photos of the father–daughter duo on social media.
Now, women everywhere are applauding him!

Mom Caitlin Fladager is very proud of her husband: He takes their daughter on monthly dates, so she will grow accustomed to being treated right, and will never settle for less.

She posted a series of photos of them and a touching caption.

She wrote:
My husband decided once a month he will take our little girl out on a “date” where she gets all dressed up and gets taken out for cake and ice cream.

Tonight was there first night doing it.

He helped her pick out a dress for her to wear, got a little purse ready for her, held the door open for her, and made her feel like a princess. She loved it was so happy when she got home.

She will always know how she deserves to be treated because her dad sets such a high example.
Please SHARE if you think that all dads should be taking their daughters on dates to show them how they should be treated by all men in their lives!