Dad Sets Up Elaborate ‘Pub’ Date Night For Wife In The Backyard Instead Of Finding A Babysitter

Going on fewer dates is a normal part of becoming comfortable in a long-term relationship. After all, if you're married or live together, you don't need to dress up and spend a lot of money to enjoy each other's company.

There is a lot of comfort in knowing that staying in with your significant other is better than any first date nightmare.

Date night gets especially difficult when a baby is involved. A night out on the town becomes even more of a time and monetary investment when finding a babysitter is added to the to-do list.

Of course, some couples don't let a baby or a budget get in the way of their date night plans.

Dad blogger, LadBaby, is one new dad who didn't let finding a babysitter get in the way of his wife's request for a night out.

Technically, he did plan a night "out," but what he did was so much better.

Facebook / LadBaby

LadBaby is a blogger from the UK who shares his adventures as a first-time father with the internet.

He isn't exactly your typical father figure. In fact, he describes himself in his "about me" section as a "poor advice giver" and "crap jokes teller."

Facebook / LadBaby

With that said, he managed to prove himself to be an excellent dad and partner when the mother of his son, who he refers to on his blog as simply "mum," asked to go on a date night.

He posted a video in July that outlined what happened after she asked, "Can we do a date night soon?"

Facebook / LadBaby

The couple was sitting on the couch relaxing when the subject of a date night came up.

Like most mothers, mum explained that she "hasn't been out in ages."

The discussion is interrupted by their young and adorable son's chattering — a reminder that a babysitter will be needed.

LadBaby says he doesn't want to spend money on a babysitter, but finally agrees. He tells mum to come home at 8 the next night, all ready for a night out.

Facebook / LadBaby

Mum shows up dressed to the nines and predictably asks where their babysitter, Sarah, is.

You can understand her disappointment and surprise when LadBaby lets her know that she isn't coming.

Luckily, what he has in mind won't require a babysitter at all, but mum doesn't know yet.

Facebook / LadBaby

He leads a reluctant mum through the house into the backyard, where she finds this.

They describe the bouncy house appearing structure to be an "inflatable pub."

Suddenly the "Air of the Dog" sign begins to make sense.

Facebook / LadBaby

Understandably, mum is overwhelmed by the thought and planning that went into the surprise.

Can you believe that she thought he didn't plan anything at all just minutes earlier?

Facebook / LadBaby

The pair get to enjoy their night out in the comfort of their backyard.

I'm guessing he spent more on the inflatable pub than he would a sitter, but in this case, it's the thought that really counts.

Facebook / LadBaby

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