Tattooed Dad Makes Son Do Chores At 4:30 In The Morning When He Hears He Bullied Classmate

When a child is bullied, the memories of why and how he or she was mocked stick with that individual for a very long time, if not for life. The words and actions of bullies can be very damaging, to say the least, and it's part of the reason parents and schools need to stop bullying in its tracks.

But the type of punishment that is appropriate is often in question. That's why one dad, Timothy Robenhorst, received national attention after posting a photo of his embarrassed son on social media in 2015.

Timothy was appalled to find out that his son, Kayden, had bullied a classmate in front of his class, and decided that he was responsible for teaching the boy a lesson he would never forget.

The dad came up with a list of chores that Kayden had to perform at 4:30 in the morning. The list included running one mile, doing push-ups, and landscaping for him and his grandfather. He also had to apologize for his actions in front of the school.

Timothy posted a photo of his son holding up the sign on social media, where thousands commented on the nature of the punishment. While many thought it was appropriate, others thought it was too harsh and shaming.

Eventually, the school allowed Kayden to apologize to his victim, but not public.

One thing is for sure: Though the punishment was ended, the boy didn't forget the lesson and even keeps the sign in his room as a reminder.

What do you think about this unusual punishment? Let us know in the comments!

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