Dad Gets Email About Teen Son’s Behavior In Class, Then Follows Him There To Teach Him A Lesson

We all remember what being a teenager in school was like. Without our parents around, we felt pretty much invincible. We could do anything we wanted!

We were always full of energy. For some, that meant a willingness to defy teachers and misbehave in class.

Brad Howard Jr. may have thought that he was above the rules the several times he was caught chatting in class. Once Dad was made aware of his son's behavior, however, he made Brad a promise: If he heard that he was misbehaving again, he would come to class with him.

Clearly, the teen didn't take the threat seriously. He also was not aware that his physics teacher sent his father an email saying that he was still talking too much in class. So when Brad walked into the classroom one day, he didn't expect to hear his father's voice.

He turned to find his dad sitting in his seat. And for the duration of the class, his father sat next to him, keeping a close eye on his son.

Brad learned his lesson, and was a good sport about the punishment. After all, what could be more embarrassing for a teen than having your mom or dad come to school with you?

As it turns out, sitting in that classroom was more uncomfortable for Brad's dad, who was afraid the teacher would call on him to answer a question!

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