Day Care Worker Pours Pills Into Hand & Allegedly Spikes Each Baby’s Bottle With Benadryl

A disturbing trend has emerged across the country, with allegations that day care workers are administering antihistamines like Benadryl to young children in their care to induce sleep. These shocking claims have prompted outrage and concern, as one particularly tragic case highlights the potential dangers of such actions.

Inside Edition noted, “We found daycare workers across the country who were accused of dosing kids with antihistamines and sleep aid supplements”. Giving small children antihistamines that even grown adults can overdose on should be a crime, even if the child isn’t harmed.

Unfortunately, though, Chief Tim Donahue of the Waterloo Police Department in Nebraska stated, “However giving somebody something that’s over the counter even being that they’re an infant or a small child doesn’t fit the statutory requirements as a crime unfortunately.”

In Vermont, Marissa Briar received devastating news on her firstborn's third day at a day care, sparking an investigation. Marissa, the mother of Harper Rose, received a text message from the day care stating that her baby was sick. Tragically, an autopsy later revealed that Harper had been given a lethal dose of an allergy medication not meant for infants. The family’s pain is unimaginable, and their grief has been compounded by the revelation that their daughter’s life was cut short due to the actions of day care workers.

When Marissa got the text message, “Baby is sick, ambulance here, go to hospital,” she said her heart sank. When Harper arrived at the hospital, doctors attempted to give her CPR, but it was too late. Marissa’s mother Brenda stated, “Marissa was just screaming, it was like a soul-wrenching scream. Those are the things that I think about almost every night when I close my eyes.”

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In response to the allegations, prosecutors in Vermont have charged the day care owner, Stacey Vaillancourt, with manslaughter and child cruelty. She has pleaded not guilty and vehemently denied any wrongdoing. This has set the stage for a legal battle that will determine whether the accusations against her hold true, and if so, what the consequences will be for the tragic loss of Harper Rose.

To view the whole story, click the video.