Williams syndrome is a rare genetic condition that is characterized by a unique set of physical and cognitive traits, including an exceptionally friendly and happy personality. It affects approximately 1 in 10,000 individuals worldwide.
Special Books by Special Kids posted a video about a young girl named Bess who is diagnosed with Williams syndrome, better known as “the happy syndrome.” As soon as you start the video and see Bess, you immediately want to keep watching. Her energy is so addicting! If you need a good smile today, I highly recommend you watch this video.
Chris Ulmer, who is an American disability-rights advocate and former special education teacher, starts his segment with Bess by telling her his first question for her is a big important question, so she needs to put her listening ears on. Once their listening ears are on, he asks her, “Do you wanna be friends?”
When Bess quickly replies “Yes” with excitement, Chris immediately matches her energy, which in turn makes Bess even more excited to be friends with Chris. Right off the bat, I’m tearing up with happiness.
Bess was her parent's miracle baby. They were together nine years before they had her. They didn’t think they were going to be able to have children after Bess, but their son Rogue decided to surprise them.
When they found out they were going to have Rogue, they were able to breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Bess wasn’t going to be alone in the world. Of course, they didn’t want to put the pressure on Rogue’s shoulders of being a super-supportive brother, because that is a lot for someone so young.
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Instead, Rogue took that responsibility without having to be asked. Bess and Rogue get along tremendously, and they are the best of friends. One of Bess’ favorite things to do is play “Dinosaurs” with Rogue and stomp around and roar together.
Bess wants the world to know that she “hopes that everybody in the world is happy and wants others to know if you feel sad you just have to dance to feel happy again.” I will be taking her advice from here on out.
To hear Bess’ full story, click the video!