Can you imagine what it must feel like to be completely deaf one moment and then, in the next, suddenly experience all the sounds of the environment and the universe? Sounds incredible, doesn't it?
Thanks to ear implants and hearing aids, many people with hearing impairments can experience that very sensation. And as the video below shows, you can count baby Sage among them!
The adorable baby girl has a hearing impairment. Her mom wanted to document how she would react when using the hearing aids that were finally prescribed to her.
When the video begins, Sage is lying down, looking up at her mom behind the camera. Though she's wigging and gurgling, she isn't making much noise.
Mom then fits her baby with the hearing aids, first on her left ear.
"Hi!" she says.
Amazingly, Sage bursts into a wide smile.
Then, once the second hearing aid is on, Sage completely lets loose!
"Hi, Sage!"
Incredibly, the moment Mom speaks, Sage bursts out laughing, unable to contain her smile and looking around as if to capture the sources of all the sounds she finally gets to hear.
But even more amazing is how Sage, after hearing her mom, begins to laugh and yell out. It's then you realize that this is the baby's first time hearing her own voice, too!
Check out this heartwarming video, and please SHARE it on Facebook!