When I heard about this remarkable young boy from my hometown, I knew immediately I needed to share it with you.
Meet Isaiah Bird. He's just like any other 7-year-old boy: He enjoys school, sports, and spending time with his friends at wrestling practice. What makes Isaiah different from other kids his age is that he was born without legs.
What makes Isaiah special, on the other hand, is a whole different story. We've featured a lot of great stories about athletes like this amazing young man who have overcome their disabilities to pursue their dreams. However, I can't remember anyone quite like Isaiah — and it's probably because he's truly one-of-a-kind. You see, this little boy takes on all challenges both on and off the wrestling mat. At his Long Beach, NY school, he's a star wrestler, but at home, he's a star to his mom and baby brother. Isaiah's mom, Bernadette Hopton, has fallen on hard times and can't afford a home for her family or a wheelchair for her young son.
However, Isaiah has let nothing held him down, as he has learned how to do everything he needs to by walking on his hands. He not only has the heart of a tiny hero, he's also the biggest inspiration to everyone he meets. Do you think Isaiah is amazing? Please SHARE this video on your Facebook page!