Jane Fonda is always one to stay up to date with the trends of the times, and it seems that the 82-year-old goddess queen has decided now is the time to bring her Jane Fonda Workout to TikTok, for the people.
In a video posted to Instagram, Jane pokes fun at herself and her viewers. When she introduces herself, text pops up that says "Google me." Do it, children!
In the full statement, Jane says, "Hello TikTok, my name's Jane Fonda and I'm gonna bring back the Jane Fonda Workout for your home sequestration."
The video is actually part of Jane's promotion for her virtual Fire Drill Fridays. The events were planned to be held in-person in LA throughout the late winter and early spring, but they have since been moved to the internet. Jane doesn't seem to be totally kidding, though, because in the video she is fully decked out in her workout gear and even leads viewers in a round of leg lifts.
Of course, Jane being Jane, things then take a turn for the more realistic. She stops her lifts and says, "You know what? There's too many workouts happening right now on television and on computers." She then adds, "What I would really like for you to do is work out with me for the planet. There's a climate crisis that's a real emergency, and so, whether you're on your couch or your yoga mat, will you join me for the virtual Fire Drill Fridays?"
Jane's virtual Fire Drill Fridays begin today at 11 a.m. PT on TikTok. You can follow along, in workout gear or not, on Jane's official TikTok page. Jane says that the goal of the event is "to keep the pressure on politicians to adopt a #GreenNewDeal, end new fossil fuels, and enact a just transition to a renewable economy that protects workers and communities."
The Jane Fonda Workout video series is still lauded as a pretty great way to stay in shape. Vogue writer Patricia Garcia explored the series as part of a piece on Jane in 2018. She writes, "Then, about a month ago, I went to see Book Club — that feel-good movie about four lifelong friends whose love lives change dramatically after reading 50 Shades of Grey — and throughout it, I could not stop checking out Jane Fonda. The 80-year-old actress had impeccable posture, svelte legs, strong arms — how did a woman several decades older than me look this good?"
"'Didn’t she once have some sort of gym empire?' I thought. Vague images of her in leg warmers suddenly popped up in my mind." Patricia decided to dive in after asking her mom about the series.
"'I think we all did it at some point of our lives,' my mother said when I asked her if she was familiar with it. I found it on Amazon Prime Video priced at $9.99, immediately downloaded it on my laptop, threw on my high school workout clothes, and gave it a shot."
And it turns out … it's pretty excellent. She writes that there are a few reasons why she loves the series so much, and she posits that the biggest may be "because, after a few weeks of commitment, I not only found myself doing it consistently (it’s easy to squeeze in a workout at home without having to adjust to a class schedule — even if it is virtual), I also noticed my legs were toned, my arms felt stronger, and my posture — well, we’re getting there, but there was a definite improvement."
Jane probably loved that coverage! The actress and activist has always shown a dedication to staying focused, fit, and engaged. She began her Fire Drill Fridays in 2019 as a way to help educate others about the climate change crisis that has been unfolding around the world.
The events were initially held on the East Coast in Washington, DC. Jane was regularly joined by celebrity friends, and mass arrests of participants were the norm. On the Fire Drill Fridays website, she wrote, "I will be on the Capitol every Friday, rain or shine, inspired and emboldened by the incredible movement our youth have created. I can no longer stand by and let our elected officials ignore – and even worse – empower – the industries that are destroying our planet for profit. We can not continue to stand for this."
Jane planned to move the event to the West Coast in the winter and spring, but in-person gatherings are currently banned in many cities across the United States. So instead, the events will be taking place online. They're sure to still garner a lot of viewers, and knowing Jane, a lot of celebrity guests.
Jane and her team seem pretty excited about taking the protests to the internet. And it makes sense, because it's definitely a cool thing to do. For one, their audience will probably be much larger. For another, there's something pretty modern about going online and protesting. Jane has said, "We may be staying home, and yes, we must stay home, but we will never stop speaking out about the climate crisis and demanding our leadership take action."
Jane will also be joined by Greenpeace at today's virtual demonstration. The activist protest should be broadcast across her social media channels. No word yet on if anyone will be prepared to work out their bodies afterward, but it's guaranteed that everyone will have their conscience and their minds worked out, for sure.