When we think about an ultimate family man, few famous men come to mind, but John Legend is totally one of them. One of the reasons we adore him so much is because he seems like one of the most supportive husbands out there. He clearly loves his wife, Chrissy Teigen, and he really seems to embrace family life for everything that it is.
He and Chrissy appear to have a really strong relationship marked by love, friendship, and, most of all, trust. But John — the "sexiest man alive" — has made some big reveals. According to his own words, he wasn't always one to be trusted. In fact, he was a serial cheater.
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John made an appearance on Dax Shepard's popular podcast, Armchair Expert. While on the show, the two got to talking about cheating. As usual, Dax coaxed some honesty out of his guest. He questioned John about some of the lyrics in his songs. That was when John got to talking about his experience with cheating.
When talking about his own indiscretions, Dax revealed that his actions used to be pretty despicable. He spoke about how when he was young, girls didn't really like him. But then he got a new haircut and started skateboarding. Suddenly, he was getting all kinds of attention from girls, and he just couldn't turn away from it.
Dax said that when listening to John's album, he recognized that some of the lyrics were referencing cheating. "There's all these great cheating songs on your album that I was like 'I see another fisherman at sea,'" Dax joked. That was when John chimed in about his own experience with being a cheater.
How John started cheating sounds pretty similar to Dax's experience, too, in that he felt overlooked by girls early on in his life. When he started to get noticed, it was too hard to ignore. "I didn't get a lot of girls when I was younger so when I started to get that attention, I loved it," he told Dax.
It seems like a common case, to be honest! Cheating might just stem from those kinds of early insecurities like the two men discussed. While someone who has always felt secure in themselves and their ability to find companionship might be able to say "no" without too much difficulty when an opportunity comes around, someone with a less-secure past may struggle more.
John says he usually used the tactic of not fully defining his relationships so it wouldn't technically be cheating. "It was really cheating," he admitted, however. "You try to get off on technicalities," he laughed.
"I was definitely dishonest and selfish and was just enjoying this new attention I was getting," John continued. He also said that the attention started coming before he really got famous. Of course, afterward, that's an entirely different story. It took him some time to realize that all of the lying really didn't make him feel good.
"Once a cheater, always a cheater" is an old adage that a lot of people really believe. That probably comes from experience — it can be easy to believe that someone simply made a mistake because, hey, mistakes happen. However, those who don't have trouble lying tend to keep it up. In John's case, though, he says he really did change.
"At a certain point you just realize that you're happier being honest," he said. "You're happier being faithful and being in love with one person." It certainly seems like that is the case for John. He is always quick to sing his wife's praises. But perhaps not cheating is a bit easier when you're married to Chrissy Teigen, no?
John says life is easier now without the lying, deceiving, hiding texts, and so on. Dax agreed, "It's a big energy suck," he said. Both men agreed that their ways really changed when they settled down with the person they were ready to change for.
Dax and John both seem reformed, and it's nice to hear them open up and admit they were wrong. They didn't really touch much on the people they likely hurt in the process of their own self-discovery, but at least they seemed to have successfully battled their insecurities.
Seems they both just needed the right woman to help coax them along in the right direction. Oh, men.