When Jonas Paul Harrison was born, he was completely blind. Doctors diagnosed him with Peter’s Anomaly, a rare eye condition that causes the cornea to become clouded over and can lead to glaucoma.
Though things didn’t look hopeful for little Jonas, doctors told his parents, Ben and Laura, that their little boy did have the potential to see.
So soon after birth, Jonas began undergoing eye surgery after eye surgery. By the time he was 3-years-old, he had already had 21 of them.
But luckily by the end of them, he was actually able to see for the first time.
Jonas couldn’t see completely on his own though. He needed to wear glasses like so many other kids do.
The problem was there weren’t that many options for him to choose from.
So his mom and dad took action, and decided to start creating their own glasses for Jonas to wear.
The Harrison’s wanted Jonas and other kids who have to wear glasses to feel confident in them instead of feeling like their different. They’ve made this their mission, and every pair of glasses they make are made with that in mind.
And they’ve also helped children with vision problems around the world too.
Through their nonprofit partners, Jonas Paul Eyewear began what they call “Buy Sight, Give Sight,” where for every pair of glasses that are purchased, donations are made to the company’s partners to provide eye tests, corrective children's eyeglasses, cataract surgeries, mectizan treatments to prevent river blindness, and Vitamin A supplements to children and families in need.
And as of late 2016, 22,588 children have been touched by the acts of Jonas Paul Eyewear.
Right now Jonas is a happy little boy who lives every day with a smile on his face. And as he grows older, it looks like he will continue to touch the lives of everyone he meets.
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