Mom Set Up A Hidden Camera To Watch Her Son Home Alone

Would your kid allow a stranger into your home? One boy is put to the test, and the results are eye-opening.

In a recent installment of the Today series "My Kid Would Never Do That," one boy is put to a hidden camera test to see whom, if anyone, he'd permit to enter his home when his parents are out.

Experts say "stranger danger" is such a complicated issue because most child predators target kids they actually know or have met before. In the video below, an actor plays John the contractor, who is wired with hidden cameras and then sent to meet 12-year-old Sam. A few days later, Sam's mom tells him she's going out to run errands, leaving Sam by himself. In reality, Mom actually goes to meet up with the Today crew to watch the footage as it happens live.

The hidden cameras are rolling as Mom watches John walk up to the house. Understandably, her heart is pounding. "I've told him not to answer the door when no one's home. For no one. Not even the neighbor," she says.

So, will Sam answer the door for John? Watch the video below to find out, and please SHARE this important video with everyone you know.