When a mom gets pregnant, doctors give her and her partner their baby's due date. Although it's set as just one day nine months from conception, most parents are aware that it's just a close estimation of when their baby will actually come into the world. This gives them an idea of when to expect their child.
But sometimes, the newborn decides to be born a little ahead of time, catching the parents off guard.
One expecting couple was certainly not expecting their little one to come so soon — and so quickly.
Holly Sanderson, a law firm secretary, heard the pregnant woman shriek just outside her place of business, so she invited the panicked husband and wife to come into the establishment.
Emergency services were called, but the woman couldn't wait: That baby was coming, and coming within minutes!
Everyone teamed up to help deliver baby Isabella. It only took her six minutes to come into the world, and Holly used a first aid kit, paper towels, and other basic materials to help.
But there was just one problem: It seemed like Isabella wasn't breathing. Luckily, with a few pats on the back after what seemed to be a while, she finally started to cry. An ambulance came and took the family away. Both mother and daughter are healthy.
Please SHARE if you think this secretary did an awesome job at bringing a baby into the world — and with no experience!