When Their 3 ‘Unappreciative Kids’ Didn’t Want To Go Out Two Parents Take Their Modem Away

Listen, parenting is a lot. You have to deal with all kinds of stuff: illnesses, lost homework, scheduling demands, picky eaters … the list is endless. And then after you've waded through those minefields, you sometimes find yourself faced with one of the most obnoxious things ever: the bored, unappreciative child.

We have all been there. That's what makes Cassie Langan and her husband, Chris, my new heroes. When they invited their three "unappreciative" children along on a trip to the beach, they were met with cries of, "That's so boring, I don't want to go!"

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Refusing to let their spirit be dampened, the two parents decided to do what the rest of us should also do: They took their modem out with them instead. Yes, you read that correctly. Cassie and Chris scooped up "our most over worked family member" and took it for a day trip to the seaside, and the rest of us will never be the same again.

Cassie Langan

Cassie and Chris also brought along one of their aforementioned "unappreciative kids" since he was wise enough to know that they were about to embark on a day not to be missed. The group of four (Cassie and Chris were eventually joined by one of their children) decided to begin their modem's great adventure with a little drive.

Cassie Langan

Next, they took Modem out for a little rest and relaxation! Who, besides unappreciative children, doesn't love the beach? I sincerely hope that Modem didn't get too sandy while relaxing in the sun, but it happens to the best of us.

Cassie Langan

Next, the family realized that little Modem might be getting hungry! They popped into a local shop for a quick sandwich and drink. It certainly looks like Modem enjoyed its meal, and I would be willing to bet several dollars that Modem didn't complain about the food AT ALL. Bliss!

Cassie Langan

After their meal, the perfect parents decided that little Modem needed some time at the park! What kid/magical internet connecting device doesn't love some time at a playground? Modem looks like it had a great time, especially while on the swings. Wee!

Cassie Langan

Can you spot little Modem on the ladybug? I wonder if it's one of those chairs that rocks back and forth. I bet Modem had a blast, just basking in the sunshine and enjoying the sweet bliss of being out with its family. Like all appreciative children should.

Cassie Langan

Of course, no family outing is complete with a little bit of education! It looks like Modem really enjoyed its time looking at models of homes. Who knows? Maybe it was able to see the real homes outside the museum! How fun for Modem!

Cassie Langan

The family decided to return back to the most fun place ever that any child should always want to go to with their parents: the beach! I bet Modem was a little nervous about being propped up on this slide, but with I'm sure Cassie and Chris offered plenty of reassuring looks and encouragement to help the little guy out.

Cassie Langan

Before heading back home, the happy family decided to take a few minutes to relax on a nearby pier, where they could soak in the abundant feelings of joy and family serenity that follow a day where no children are arguing and everyone just goes along with the plan their parents have made. Ahhh.

Cassie Langan

Modem also managed to get a few presents out of the day! I know my kid is forever asking me to buy him this or that whenever we go just about anywhere. I bet Modem got two presents because it didn't even ask; it just patiently waited for Cassie and Chris to offer.

Cassie Langan

I'm sure Cassie and Chris deeply enjoyed the car ride home, most likely because Modem didn't touch anyone who didn't want to be touched, didn't ask if mom or dad would change the music, and definitely didn't say that the day was just "OK." Here's hoping Modem has many more peaceful, relaxing day trips ahead for itself.