Lazy Dad Lies To Coworkers About Why He’s Always Late, Gets Called Out By His Angry Wife

Lazy husbands are not all that much fun to deal with. But one of the only things worse than a husband who neglects to pull his own weight is one who tries to pretend like he is husband of the year in front of others.

One Reddit user was really fed up with her husband never getting out of bed on time. But when his coworkers came over for Thanksgiving and commented on his perpetual lateness, not only did he fail to take responsibility, he actually blamed it all on his wife!

This dude totally had it coming, but still, his wife is feeling guilty for outing him. She took to the internet to ask if she needs to apologize. We're gonna go out on a limb and say "h*ll-to-the-nah" and also, oh yeah, leave him.

A very frustrated Reddit user shared an enraging experience with her beloved. The guy has a serious issue with getting out of bed on time. She wrote, "Every morning is an absolute nightmare. He'd stay in bed tol 7:30 refuses to wake up, he'd get so aggressive he'd knock off the alarm clock, Push his phone off the nightstand. Put the pillow over his head. Literally scream "Go away I'm trying to get some sleep you —-!!!"

Um … excuse us? Is this a grown man we're talking about?

Unfortunately, yes it is.

The dude acts like some combination of a toddler and an enraged teenager. His wife continued, "When I try to wake him up. I'd try everything from shouting to removing the pillow and sheets, to shaking him to tickling to spraying him with water. And he'd wake up eventually but be in a very bad mood."

Wow. Sounds like an absolute winner. Not really, though. Aside from being such a delight in the mornings, he also is the master of faking it. Faking being a nice guy, that is.

His coworkers came over for dinner, and when they started playfully gibing him about how he's always late for work, he completely blamed it on the person who has been dragging his sorry behind out of bed every day: his wife.

The dude told his coworkers he's late because he's pretty much single-handedly running the house — a complete and total fabrication.

"They were talking about how he's good in everything except that he's always late. He shrugged and said it's not his fault he's always late since he wakes up at 5:30, walks the dogs, gets the kids ready for school, make breakfast, clean up the kitchen, pack lunch then spend almost 40 minute waking me up."

It's tough to imagine something more maddening than this dude pretty much blaming his wife for his utter laziness. But he also got angry at her, too. When she refused to lie for him and told his coworkers that, no, he is actually late because he doesn't get out of bed in a timely fashion, he told her she had ruined the dinner and his entire Thanksgiving.

We're just wondering who prepared the Thanksgiving feast in the first place, because … it probably wasn't him.

Reddit commenters were quick to call out the ridiculousness of the lazy husband. The top commenter simply wrote, "Why are you with this man? He has no respect for you whatsoever."

Others shared that they don't have that much trouble getting their teenagers out of bed.

The most frustrating part of the story, though, is that this guy will probably not change his behavior. It seems like he's one of those dudes who is happy to blame everyone else for his failings.

We just wish his wife didn't feel guilty for letting him be burned by the consequences of his own actions.

Hunny, you can do better.

These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.