Amazing Mom Delivers Her Own Baby In The Hospital Entranceway

The birth of a baby is always a stressful time for a new mom. There are so many different things to think about, not the least of which is the pain that you're about to endure as your baby enters the world.

For some moms, this can be a very scary process. It's hours, sometimes days, long, and extremely strenuous.

Just check out the beautiful photographs of this mom in the moments before she gives birth in a car. Obviously things didn't go exactly as planned for her, but all that matters in the end is that Mama and her baby are healthy.

Then there's this mom who gave birth to twins miles apart on two different highways. What a day she had!

For Jessica Stubbins, she made it all the way to the hospital before baby girl Lucy decided she just couldn't wait another second to enter the world.

Stubbins was walking through the hospital entryway when she suddenly leans over and, quite casually, reaches into her pants and pulls out her baby.

She shows such poise in such a chaotic moment! Luckily, her husband Tom was just feet away and was at her side in seconds. Although, he did miss the birth of his new daughter!

Now, the Stubbins family is happy, healthy, and still amazed at Lucy's incredible arrival!

Please SHARE this incredible birth story with everyone you know!