Pulling kids from school for fun activities is risky. Some schools have strict policies for parents, warning them that absence from class for leisure is prohibited. Of course, many parents decide to pull their kids from school for trips and vacations anyway, though there are always potential consequences.
One parent received a letter from her son’s school questioning his unexcused absence for three days. Worst of all, the youngster was being put on a student-attendance behavioral-improvement plan, according to the paperwork sent home and shared on Reddit. But rather than lie, this mom figured out a genius and witty way to describe her son’s reason for being absent, as shown on photos posted to Reddit by a relative of the student.

The student missed three days to make a very important visit to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, a theme park based on the popular books and movies.

The Reddit user said the boy (who's the user's nephew) missed three days of school to attend the Harry Potter theme park, which includes a recreation of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

When forced to fill out the “attendance behavior improvement” plan, the boy's mother got creative.

She said he was “learning defense against the dark arts,” a reference from the movies.

The mother even claimed it was for educational purposes, adding that there should be no worry about his absence.

“No concern anymore,” she wrote. “He passed his O.W.Ls and N.E.W.T.s,” referring to tests in the world of Harry Potter (the acronyms stand for "Ordinary Wizarding Level" and "Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test").
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[H/T: Mashable]
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