My Kids Always Beg Me To Dress Up For Halloween, But I Hate It … And I’m Done

I love seeing my kids in their costumes on Halloween. I love taking pictures and even decking out the house with spooky vibes. Bring on the spiderweb and the pumpkins. I'll even craft a few ghosts and giant spiders.

But when it comes to dressing myself up, I'm just not that into it. It's time. It's money. It's effort. And I just don't care enough to cake my face with makeup, or turn into a zombie, a handmaid, or a dead bride.

Call me a wicked witch! That's fine. My kids have called me that before and I've thrown on a pointy hat to effortlessly play the part. But dressing up for Halloween just isn't my thing.

Actually, I hate it. And I don't wanna do it. There. I said it.

When the kids were very young, I'd oblige them even though I didn't love doing it. For weeks, they'd talk about what I should be. Finally, we'd settle on something simple, or funny enough so that I could amuse myself. But it felt important to them. Honestly, I felt like a bad mom if I didn't take part.

My kids are a bit older now, though. They're nearly 13 and 8. Annoyingly, they still want me to dress up each year. I let them know it just isn't my thing, and they let me know they're displeased.

But from where I'm sitting, I think that's pretty OK. I mean, I'm a grown adult woman! Don't I get to decide whether or not I actually enjoy dressing up in a costume or not? Do I have to do everything my kids want me to do just because they want me to do it?

It doesn't help that almost every parent I know participates in dressing up … even if they don't like doing it. I'll hear them complain about having to and I'll think "then … why do it?" I have to wonder if these days, we're all a little too hyped up on pleasing our kids.

When I think back to my childhood Halloweens, I can't even imagine my parents dressing up. Not once! They, of course, supported me in finding my own costumes. My mom usually made dinner and had the grandparents over, too. But it wouldn't have occurred to her to dress up herself. r

Call me old school. Call me a Halloween Debbie Downer. But this year, I'll be drinking a red wine and stealing my kids Reese's while wearing jeans and a hoodie because that's, quite simply, what I want to wear. Yes, I'm a mom. But I have choices and sometimes, they look like comfy clothes and chocolate.
