Danny Nolin is a 24-year-old man who, according to his father Gregory, has a very specific taste in clothing.
In fact, Nolin, who has Down syndrome, will only wear one, distinctive shirt: a red and gray striped T-shirt from Walmart.
Unfortunately, the shirt has seen better days and has now started to rip. So, Gregory took it upon himself to find replacements for the top — but he discovered, to his dismay, that Walmart no longer sells that particular shirt. Trips to five or six locations yielded no results.
So, Gregory took to Facebook to make his plea public. He posted a photo of his son in the shirt, along with a brief blurb asking if anyone had seen that exact shirt in any stores.
What he didn't expect was how much attention that post would get. His nephew tweeted out the same message, which was then retweeted another 60,000 times!
"Overwhelmed. Goosebumps on my arm," Gregory recalls of the moment he realized how many people were trying to help him and his son.
And among those who saw the tweet was Walmart itself. Although they stopped selling the shirt two years prior, they dug the style out of the archives, had 10 shirts specially made, and shipped them all to Danny's home — for free.
As for Danny's face when he opens the package, it truly says it all.
"It's something that makes him feel good," the grateful father says.
Photo credit: Wikimedia

It's very clear that Danny Nolin shares a special bond with his father Gregory. The affection between the two shines clear as day — and nowhere is it clearer than in all the effort Gregory went to in order to replace Danny's favorite T-shirt.

This is the post that Gregory posted to Facebook to aid his search for a new T-shirt for Danny.

The shirt, complete with repeating stripes and a small red pocket, also bears clear evidence of how much Danny loves it. Because of how much he's worn it, the shirt has developed several holes.

The proud father's Facebook page is full of photos of him and his 24-year-old son. In many of them, Danny can be seen wearing the now-famous shirt.

After Greg's Facebook post went viral, the big moment finally arrived in the shape of a FedEx parcel at their front door. Danny's anticipation was apparent as his dad handed him the package.
To see the unforgettable moment Danny realizes what's in the package, take a look at the video below.
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