Aging Woman Kicked Out Of House By Angry Stepson, Makes Special Connection At Nursing Home

Sometimes the good deeds you do in life will come back around and reward you in ways you never thought possible.

This video story from Wonderbot tells of a 75-year-old woman who was kicked out of her house by her angry stepson. She had nowhere to go until a local nursing home that she had a connection to stepped in to help.

Priscilla married a divorced man with a son named Kenji. Even though she tried her best to be a good stepmom to him, Kenji was eternally angry at Priscilla because he thought she was the reason that his parents split up and he didn’t see his mother anymore.

Shortly after her husband Oliver died, Kenji called Priscilla one day and told her that she had to move out of her house so he could sell it. She told him that she lived on a fixed budget and couldn’t afford to move into an apartment, but he didn’t care and insisted that she find somewhere else to live.

Even though Kenji could never allow himself to see the goodness in Priscilla, it doesn’t mean it wasn’t there. She had many friends in the community and even donated time and funds to a local nonprofit nursing home.

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Priscilla packed up her belongings and was soon staying on the couch of a friend, who ended up letting others in the community know about her situation. Priscilla soon received a phone call from a woman named Mrs. Patrick, who was the director of the local nonprofit nursing home.

“After everything you’ve given us over the years and the hours you put into volunteering, this place owes you,” Mrs. Patrick told Priscilla. She insisted that Priscilla come and take a room at the nursing home.

To learn about the twist of fate that led Priscilla to meet up with Kenji’s mother, Marianne, after all this time and how that helped to facilitate forgiveness with Kenji, watch the full video story posted by Wonderbot.

While we can’t verify the facts of the heartwarming story told here, we think you’ll be delighted with its sense of wonder and serendipity. We could all use a break from the cycle of negative news. Enjoy!