Debbie Frank is known for one pretty incredible title: She's an astrologer to royalty. No, seriously: She worked as Princess Diana's astrologer during her lifetime, and she's also been known to dabble in the futures of Diana's children and their spouses totally free of charge. In fact, Debbie recently offered up a fascinating glimpse into what 2020 could hold for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
In her column about the pair, Debbie kicked off with quite a few intriguing bits of insight and predictions:
“Part of Meghan’s raison d’etre is communication — she needs to be a voice and as Uranus activates her powers of communication this year, she needs to make herself heard. She will talk about controversial issues this Spring. The Virgo Full Moon connects her Venus and Harry’s Sun in Virgo with the effect of upping their public profile again. This will bring a ground-breaking conjunction between Mars and Pluto on her marriage angle — it is as if the couple are set to collide with the ‘powers that be’ in the establishment, so Meghan will be fighting her corner.”
I mean, Meghan did literally just give a commencement speech to graduates of her former high school on Wednesday night, and she and Prince Harry are also reportedly taking meetings with Black Lives Matter in Los Angeles. I think the idea that Meghan uses communication tools powerfully is nothing new; for months, the rumors were that she was the author of the couple's Sussex Royal Instagram account, and she also ran her own lifestyle site before becoming involved with Prince Harry.
But guys: Debbie isn't even close to being finished!
“However, there are definitely some bright lights overhead for the Duchess of Sussex in late Spring and into early Summer when generous, expansive Jupiter will put her marriage onto a happier footing as she and Harry go global and they magic up the success that creates a strong pathway for their future.”
Granted, given the ongoing health crisis coupled with the political catastrophe in the United States, it might be a bit hard for Meghan and Harry to launch their new global brand this summer. Or … maybe it’s the perfect time after all.
“2020 produces some setbacks and delays which require Meghan to process and wait rather than forge ahead with her goals, particularly when Venus goes retrograde and she has to re-visit the past. Then its onto the next eclipse on July 5 in Capricorn which again ripples across all the royal family and brings the January royal family issues up to the surface again.”
Aha! Aha! There are those “setbacks and delays” we were just talking about!
I don't know exactly what could be going on July 5, but I do know that the monarchy's annual Holyrood Week takes place from June 24 to July 4 this year. Perhaps tensions will come to a head over feelings about who is pulling their weight and who is not? Maybe Harry and Meghan will decide to chance a trip across the Atlantic? Or maybe they'll be marching in the streets of LA. Only time will tell!
“The rest of 2020 is packed with significant cosmic pointers that challenge Meghan to stay on track with her visions and dreams, and could present exciting additions to the marriage. She’s certainly highly visible and in December there’s a real sense of cutting with the past, perhaps another baby on the way and relief from having navigated a hugely transformational period.”
OK, listen: I really hate that we always have to speculate about when women will have a baby or have more babies … but also, I wouldn't be sad if we got another Sussex baby announcement in December. After all, don't the experts suggest a 24-month age gap between first- and second-born children? An announcement in December could mean that the baby would be due in May or June 2021. Ding-ding-ding!
Debbie also patiently explained why the eclipses matter so much for royals:
“The royals are always hugely impacted by eclipses: major happenings such as Princess Diana and Prince Charles getting married, the birth of both Prince William and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge and Princess Diana’s death all occurred very close to eclipses which since ancient times have always reflected epic events.”
“This is why, when I looked at the royal stars for 2020 in December of 2019 I was able to call the high voltage shock-waves that activated Meghan and Harry’s departure as senior royals. Not only was there an eclipse on January 10th directly on the charts of Meghan, Harry, Kate and William but two big planets of transformation were pairing up on the marriage angle of Meghan’s chart that links directly with the Queen. I realised something huge was about to kick-off that would rock the royal status quo.”
“I anticipated they would not be part of the royal structure but break away as a power couple in their own right but negotiations would be tough — and indeed they ended with Harry and Meghan not achieving their desired aim of being part-time royals, but gaining their freedom instead.”
I mean, as they say … it could all be in the stars, no?
“Pluto can act like a wrecking-ball, toppling even deeply entrenched set-ups and acting as a catalyst for new ways to emerge. Meghan is the bombshell designed to blast through the royal family, which is now forced to re-group. Since Pluto will stay in this position for much of 2020, there are further far-reaching changes to come. This is only the start… The hope is that Harry and Meghan can emerge as a power couple in their own right.”