This Mother’s Quadruplets Laugh In Sync And It’s Adorable To Hear

There’s nothing like the sound of a child’s laughter, and this mom and dad sure have their ears full of it from these beautiful quadruplets.

At least these parents know how to keep their babies in a good mood.

This adorable video is sure to make you smile even if you’ve had the absolute worst day. Trust me, from the moment it started, I couldn’t stop watching each baby laugh in almost a ripple effect, one after one.

Due to how in sync their laughing is, it only makes me think of how strong their bond will be when they grow up.

While Mom is lying down on the bed, Dad makes funny faces and noises to provoke the babies into laughing more. It’s quite a funny moment to watch, and it almost makes you think, "If only I could be this entertained by a few silly noises."

This hilarious moment reminds me of the time this dad watched his quadruplets, and they all started laughing hysterically when he began to make silly faces and noises.

Their laughter as well as the quadruplets' laughter in the clip below is pretty infectious.

If this video made you giggle along with them, please SHARE with all your family and friends on Facebook!