Royal sources may not always be right about their scoops, but the items that come up are interesting in their own right.
Recent reports by The Sun indicate that Queen Elizabeth is fed up with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. In speaking on the subject of mental health and their experiences leaving the royal family, the two have been honest in a way that doesn't always paint the royals in the best light. These sources say that the Queen is taking these moves as attacks on her and the establishment, and she's had enough.
It seems unlikely that the Queen would pursue legal action against the couple, as the reports suggest. Still, it's showing that the contents of Harry's upcoming memoir are ruffling feathers across the pond.
The Sun reports that royal sources say the Queen is exploring her legal options. She's reportedly interested in seeing what she can do about the many unsavory details Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have revealed about their lives as royals. The 95-year-old monarch is said to have become "exasperated with repeated attacks."
"The feeling, coming right from the top, is that enough is enough," the source told the outlet.
"There is a limit to how much will be accepted and the Queen and Royal Family can only be pushed so far."
The source claims the Queen has been in talks with attorneys. "They are getting lawyered up," the source said.
"Harry and Meghan will be made aware and know repeated attacks will not be tolerated."
The news is said to come after the royals learned Harry is releasing a memoir in 2022. The Queen will also celebrate her Platinum Jubilee in 2022.
"The royals' legal team are speaking to firms with expertise in libel and privacy," the source said.
"If someone were named in the book and accused of something directly that could be a libel and also infringe their rights to a private family life," the source theorized.
"It would be ironic if Harry and Meghan were accused of breaching privacy given their pronouncements on the subject."
The source also believes the Queen's legal team plans to get in touch with Penguin Random House, which is publishing the memoir.
"The legal team could also contact publishers of the book to ask for advance warning of its contents and a right to reply," the source said.
It's the last quote from the source that is possibly the most telling: "There are concerns that the American public are falling for what Harry and Meghan say."
If the royals are as fussed about the upcoming memoir as these reports indicate, it's because they're concerned about turning public sentiment.
There were definitely sour feelings about the recent book Finding Freedom: Harry and Meghan and the Making of a Modern Royal Family, so it makes sense the royals would want to be better prepared for what a new book might say. That said, talking to Harry directly instead of getting legal teams involved would be the way you'd think things would be handled amid a family attempting to heal.
It's interesting that this story has come out amid a relative quiet spell from Harry and Meghan. Aside from a statement discussing recent events and a video for Meghan's 40th birthday, the two have remained quiet since the birth of daughter Lilibet Diana.
The idea that Harry and Meghan are at odds with the Queen again also flies in the face of many reports saying Lilibet's birth has helped mend some familial fences. The truth will eventually come to light, which may or may not be the royal family's big concern right now.