Dad’s Little Girl Dies Of A Heroin Overdose, But He Hopes Her Story Will Help Those In Need

Roger Winemiller's daughter, Heather, had come to his house to spend the night. She was having a rough time in her life, and she just wanted a bit of time with her father to talk things through.

When she went away to go to the bathroom, Winemiller got a very strange feeling inside of him. He knew that something was very wrong.

When he walked into the bathroom, he found that his daughter, who had been sober for three years, had overdosed on heroin.

This is a common problem in Cincinnati lately, and Winemiller wants it to stop. He doesn't want anyone else to suffer through what he and his wife suffered through when their dear daughter passed away from a very avoidable cause.

You may feel the need to turn away from those who have problems with addiction or drugs, but that's the last thing that they need in this moment. The best thing to happen in a person's life when they are in a dark space is for those around them to give as much support as they can. There is nothing like love and support to bring someone out of a dark space.

Unfortunately, for Heather, she fell too deep into darkness. But, her father hopes that her lost battle is enough to encourage others out there to help those that need it the very most. If one person gets the help they need from hearing this story, then this father's pain will be a tiny bit lessened.

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