Going into labor can be scary for moms-to-be. Not only is the prospect of having a baby pretty terrifying, the actual process of labor and delivery is downright panic-inducing.
Many women choose to get an epidural to reduce the pain of giving birth, and it's a great option for many moms-to-be.
Of course, some women opt to have natural births, and that's great as well. What's wonderful about modern medicine is that pregnant women can choose the best option for them.
According to the American Pregnancy Association, more than half of women who give birth at hospitals use epidural anesthesia. An epidural blocks the pain to the lower half of the body.
Recently, a man shared his thoughts on epidurals, saying that women don't need them, and moms everywhere fired back at him. See what they had to say to the rude guy in the tweets below.
Photo: US Air Force / Ken Wright
[H/T: ScaryMommy]
On January 8, 2018, Nicole Cliffe shared something a man had written online.
Her tweet got a lot of attention, even though all she wrote was, "This guy."

The man in question had written:
Personal Opinion: My wife gave birth to two babies, 9lbs 10oz (10 hrs labor) and 8lbs 6 oz (only 2 hrs for the second baby. No epidural.

Women don’t NEED them at all. Never have.
Since we only started using them in modern medicine. But hey, what do I know. I'm just a dude who held her hand through it twice.

People everywhere were hugely offended by this rude guy's comment.
One person sarcastically wrote, "To be fair, having your hand squeezed feels exactly like childbirth."

Another woman wrote, "I'd like to break both of his legs and then tell him that he doesn't need pain medication because they didn't have it in olden times."

The only thing the man is right about is the fact that women didn't have modern pain medication back in the day.
What he doesn't point out, however, is that women also used to die in childbirth much more frequently than they do now.

One mom wrote, "This guy can bite me. I hated my 1st epidural and refused them for the other kids, and guess what? ANYONE should have an epidural if they want one."
Even some dads got involved in the argument, like the one above.
Another dad wrote, "My wife would have died in childbirth twice without necessary surgical intervention, but what do I know? -guy who held her hand in surgery."
It's amazing that this man's wife didn't need to have an epidural during childbirth, but that isn't necessarily what works for most women.
Just because his wife — one woman — didn't need an epidural, that doesn't mean that's the case for everyone!

If you'd like to give this guy a piece of your mind, please SHARE this article with your friends!