Adoption stories are typically told by the parents. The parents who find babies who need a home, and take them in to make them their own.
But, sometimes the best stories can come from the kids. Whether they're the kids that pick their parents within foster care, or the kids that decide that the father (or mother) figure that's always been there for them should get the legal name too. They all have a unique perspective and story to tell.
These special needs siblings that shared their adoption stories could warm a whole room. Not only with their experiences but the way they talk about it all too.
No matter what the adoption story entails, they're all something everyone can be appreciative of. Without families who adopt, there would be millions of more children that are out there without a family, millions more than there still are with these adoptive parents.
The video you're about to watch is one that shows a special kind of adoption. An adoption that is the choice of the child.
Kelsi Bailey decides to recite a poem for her stepfather, but the paper that her mom gives him after is what's even more emotional.
As he tears up hearing Kelsi's words, he really loses it when he reads her adoption papers.
Please SHARE this beautiful moment between a father and his daughter!