56-Year-Old Surrogate Carries Baby For Couple But Ultrasound Tech Keeps Missing Other Sacs

By the time Kim Coseno had two kids and met her second husband Joe, doctors told her she could no longer conceive a child as a result of severe fibroids. The couple from Cleveland, Ohio were absolutely heartbroken. They'd been hoping to grow their family together. The cost of surrogacy was far too high and even their attempts at adoptions fell through.

That's when Kim's fifty-something mother did the unthinkable — and volunteered to be a surrogate for the shocked couple. Jaci Dalenberg couldn’t bear to see her daughter struggle anymore. Considering Jaci's age, Kim wasn't sure if it would even work.

Six weeks after their first failed attempt, the trio decided to give it one last shot — but to no avail. Kim and Joe felt helpless as they could no longer afford fertility treatments. Then, their fertility specialist mentioned a special program that could offer them one last cycle of treatment for free… a "ray of hope" that would pay for what they couldn't. Jaci was so emotionally drained, but she was still determined to do whatever she could to make her daughter's dream of becoming a mother come true.

To increase their odds, the couple implanted three embryos into Jaci instead of two. They hoped this one last shot would result in one healthy baby.

At 56 years old, Jaci became pregnant with her daughter's embryos. At the time, nurses believed she was the oldest surrogate in the United States.

Then, during the first ultrasound, the family received more stunning news: Jaci was pregnant twins! Kim and Joe were over the moon.

Nine weeks into the pregnancy, Jaci was rushed to the hospital with severe bleeding. The ultrasound tech discovered the stretching of Jaci's 56-year-old uterus caused the bleeding. But as Kim took a closer look at the screen, she noticed something else. Something no one in the room ever expected to see.