Triplet Dad Has Impossible Task Of Trying To Keep 3 Fast-Moving Babies Out Of The Fridge

Babies are a blessing, but when you've got more babies than you have hands, things can get pretty interesting. That's the lesson one triplet dad has been learning since he welcomed his adorable trio last year.

Xavier Rogers and his wife, Maria, of San Antonio, Texas, have been documenting their life with triplets on a YouTube page called Rogers 3x Family. Recently, they shared a hilarious video of the fearless trio trying to get into the refrigerator. In the clip, dad struggles to keep up. The second he goes to grab one baby, another one crawls straight back to the fridge.

This little snippet of life with triplets is hilarious and adorable. But it also makes you think about the challenges of raising three fearless tiny people! I mean, even one kid is a lot of work. Three babies crawling all over the place at warp speed is a heck of a lot of hands-on maintenance.

Luckily, the couple seems to be in good spirits about all the work in front of them. They've been sharing their journey on YouTube and on Facebook, and it's way too cute for words. While all of the videos are cuteness times three, one of the most recent shares caught the internet's attention in a big way.


Maria posted the video of the babies trying to break into the fridge on her Facebook page. "Just a normal day over here lol," Maria, 21, captioned the hilarious video. "I love that Xavier has way more patience than me," she added lovingly.



We're sure she's plenty patient, as well. But the way dad handled the situation was super cute. You can hear Maria giggling in the background as the babies keep going after the fridge and dad struggles to keep up. "Noo," he says as she scoops them up over and over again.

The triplets are so cute. You can spot them smiling as if they know they're playing a cruel trick on old dad. The three babies are Elliot, Elijah, and Sophia (the boys are identical twins). The fearless trio was born in April 2019.

While the babies certainly look like a lot of work, their adventures must be hilarious, too. It certainly seems that way from the sweet videos mom and dad are always sharing. They definitely have a pretty decent following on YouTube, as well.

Still, the fridge video caught more attention than most. It quickly went viral. Clearly, the internet loves babies, but babies torturing their parents (adorably) is always a winner. The popularity probably has a lot to do with the sweet reactions from mom and dad, too.

The cute family of five has tons more videos on their YouTube page for admirers to check out. They've documented their trio's gender reveal, the delivery, baby name reveals, and plenty of other updates. One particularly cute video is when the babies all "meet" for the first time, outside of the womb.

These days, we can use all the cute news we can get. These babies certainly deliver. They certainly aren't camera-shy, which is great because mom and dad can keep documenting their tricks and sharing away! Chances are, they're going to get even more adventurous as time goes on.

After all, toddlers are fast, and they are known to get into mischief. But mischief times three is going to make for some epic YouTube videos. It seems like these kids are going to be totally internet famous before they're out of diapers.

Thankfully, it's quality entertainment. We'll certainly be following the adorable family on their adventures. But we hope mom and dad can get some downtime soon. Baby gates will probably come in handy at some point, at least where the fridge is concerned.