Doctor Says ‘I’m Sorry’ When He Hands Twin Girls With Down Syndrome To Mom After Birth

For some families, things just don’t feel complete until they’ve fully explored their options when it comes to having more than one child.

This video shared by Wonderbot tells the story of Matt and Jodi Parry, who were happily raising their son Finlay when they discovered that they were pregnant.

When the couple went to the doctor’s for a scan for this newly discovered pregnancy, the doctor told them that things not only appeared to be healthy with the baby, but Jodi was actually pregnant with twins.

In the summer of 2011, Jodi went into premature labor and Isobel and Abigail were born six weeks early. The babies were immediately taken to the neonatal ward because they were underweight and still needed time to further develop.

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The couple were told that their twin daughters would likely be in the hospital for approximately four weeks, but when their doctor called them in for a surprise consultation after two weeks, they immediately noticed a strange look on his face.

The doctor started out by apologizing to the couple before informing them that their twin girls had Down syndrome.

Even though the couple originally felt a sense of fear from hearing this news, Jodi still finds herself perplexed as to why the doctor felt the need to apologize to the couple that their twins had Down syndrome.

“To this day, I’ll never know what he was sorry for. And I think if I could ever meet him again, I would like to show him Abigail and Isobel … because we wouldn’t change Abigail and Isobel for the world,” Jodi explains.

To learn more about the Parry family’s incredible journey, watch the full video.