I’ve been a father for going on 11 years now, and trust me, I’ve gotten some pretty lame gifts. Last year I received a poop emoji pillow that ultimately ended up in my son’s room.
The thing with gifts on Father’s Day is that I don’t really need a tie, or some new shoes, or T-shirt with “Best Dad In The Galaxy” printed on it along with a picture of Darth Vader.
Most of what I want can’t really be bought in a store, and I assume this is the case for many fathers. I don't mean to sound cheesy, but it's really the thought that counts when it comes to making my Father's Day special.
Here are some examples of the types of things I'm talking about:

To watch a movie from my childhood with my children:
Each Tuesday night I watch My Little Pony with my two daughters. It’s just the three of us. My wife takes my son to scouts, and then she runs some errands. My 7-year-old and 3-year-old snuggle up against me and it's pretty much the highlight of my week.
Unfortunately, I’m not the biggest fan of My Little Pony. I watch it because of my kids. What I’d love to do is watch one of those movies I loved as a child and snuggle with my kiddos.

Perhaps the original Star Wars, or maybe The Goonies. I can’t think of too may things more enjoyable than snuggling with my children and watching a movie I actually enjoy.
I know they will get a kick out of whatever I pick. They just need to give it a chance. Although, without it being part of a Father’s Day gift, I doubt they will give it a chance.

A Nap:
I’ll be the first to admit that I’m really, really, tired. I’m not going to go into the "who is more tired, mom or dad" argument, because this is a post about Father’s Day. I don’t have to.
What I will say is that if offered a nap for Father’s Day, I’d take it in a heartbeat. I’d take it with a smile. I’d wake up and give every family member a huge hug and kiss and tell them how wonderful they are.
It would be one of those truly wonderful moments, where I’m well rested and ready to show all my gratitude.

My Favorite Meal:
This one is cliché, I know. I will admit, though, there is something so sweet and wonderful about having your family ask what you want to eat for your special day.
Time To Work On A Hobby:
Fatherhood is pretty chaotic. I work two jobs, and between my kid’s sports and other extra curricular activities, I don’t get a whole lot of time to myself. I love to cycle, and wouldn’t mind spending a couple hours on my bike on Father’s Day. It doesn’t have to be an all day thing. I’m not in good enough shape for that. Just a couple hours to myself, to do what I love doing, would be enough.

To Do Something I Enjoy With My Children:
I spend a lot of time doing the things my kids enjoy. I take them to bounce houses. I take them to see crappy kid movies (If I had one hour left to live, I’d spend it at The Sponge Bob Movie, because it felt like an eternity).
I love my kids, but I’d love to flip the coin for once and go somewhere I enjoy for Father’s Day. Perhaps go on a hike, for example. Or maybe a family bike ride.
Some dads might want to go fishing or bowling or some other activity. Just something I enjoy, but don’t get to do all that often, and can include my children in.

Naturally, these are just suggestions, and you can’t do all of them in one day for that special father in your life. Thinking outside the standard gift, however, is a good way to go. Or at least it would be for me.
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