Mom Can’t Stop Daughter’s Wild Tantrum In TJ Maxx But Total Stranger Says ‘You’re Doing Great’

Nothing makes you feel that you're a failed parent quite like a child's bad tantrum.

There is often nothing at all you can do when a kid starts throwing a tantrum, especially in a public space. People stare and roll their eyes, and those who have never been parents even judge you. You become incredibly vulnerable when a tantrum erupts.

Shelly White of The Messy Christian experienced the worst tantrum of her daughter's life while shopping one day. There was nothing to be done except wait it out in the most private part of the store: the bathroom.

However, what happened with a complete stranger in the restroom completely turned Shelly's perspective around. It was so kind that it brought her to tears, then moved her to write about her experience online.

Have you ever had a parenting moment like Shelly's? See her full post below.

Please SHARE with your family and friends (and especially fellow parents) on Facebook!

Courtesy of Sherry White of The Messy Christian

Shelly took this photo right after the episode and posted the following on her Facebook page:

My daughter just had the worst tantrum of her life. And of course it was at home so I could have home court advantage. Just kidding, it was at TJ Maxx.

Courtesy of Sherry White of The Messy Christian

She was irrational and every parenting trick I had fell to the wayside. My heart was beating fast and I was trying not to lose my cool.

Courtesy of Sherry White of The Messy Christian

I scooped her off to the bathroom trying to recoup and I realized I was going to have to just hold on and wait for it to pass because she was so far gone.

I continued to try to control the situation but it was beyond my control. That's saying alot because I rarely feel that way in any situation.

Courtesy of Sherry White of The Messy Christian

Person after person walked passed us and I could feel the judgement like the sun burning a hole in me. I just knew they had to be thinking what kind of brat have I raised because I was thinking the same thing. She was being defiant and angry and it was not pretty.

Courtesy of Sherry White of The Messy Christian

But then, this lady a little older than myself walked by and smiled and she came over and squeezed my arm and whispered it’s okay, you’re doing great.

I quickly turned away from her before she could see the tears forming in my eyes and falling down my face.

Courtesy of Sherry White of The Messy Christian

Because without knowing it, I needed to hear that. Because I didn’t feel like I was doing great. I felt like a total mommy failure with an out of control kid. So, there we were both crying.

She eventually calmed down and we continued our shopping. I was hoping I'd see that lady and say thank you, but she was gone.

Courtesy of Sherry White of The Messy Christian

I know a lot of times we don’t know what to say to people when we see them going through a moment like this, but from now on take a cue from that lady at TJ Maxx.

Courtesy of Sherry White of The Messy Christian

A smile and an encouraging word goes a long way 🙂

Please SHARE if you empathize with this mom’s experience!