We're just a few weeks from the best holiday of the year: Christmas!
Christmas has always been my absolute favorite holiday. Of course, I loved it as a kid because I got presents, but now I like it for so many other reasons.
The holiday season is the best time to cook a good family meal, give gifts to friends, bake cookies, and decorate the home.
And when the weather gets nice and chilly outside, it's so lovely to curl up on the couch with a loved one or a pet, a good book, and a cup of hot cocoa.
For many people, the best thing about Christmas is the tree. Picking out the perfect pine tree, setting it up in your home, and decorating it with ornaments and lights are all really fun things to do.
This year, though, make sure you know these essential Christmas tree safety tips!
Thumbnail Photo: Wikimedia / Dante Alighieri
Tip #1: Pick A Fresh Tree
When choosing a Christmas tree, you should always try to find a fresh one.
Dry trees may be cheaper than fresh ones, but you should never pick a dry, old tree.
Look for a tree with needles that bend without snapping and trunks that still have sap on them; these trees are much less likely to catch on fire.
Tip #2: Keep The Tree In A Cool Area Of Your House
When you get your tree to your house, make sure you set it up in a cool area.
Try to avoid radiators, heaters, fireplaces, televisions, and other hot appliances when you're putting up your tree.
Tip #3: Keep Your Tree Hydrated
Another way to make sure your tree won't catch on fire is to keep it super hydrated.
Always have a watering can near your tree so you don't forget to give your tree the water it needs to stay alive.
Tip #4: Don't Overwork The Extension Cords
Many people love to use tons of lights on their Christmas trees, but make sure you don't overwork your extension cords.
The Christmas Tree Association recommends only putting three strands of light in each extension cord.
And although extension cords can be somewhat unsightly, you should never put them under carpets or rugs.
Tip #5: Never Leave Lights On Overnight
As lovely as it is to see the glittery lights from the tree as you drift off to sleep, you should generally turn off the lights when you go to sleep.
They may not be very powerful, but Christmas tree lights can still heat up the needles and dry them out.
You should also unplug or turn off the lights when you leave the house for long periods of time.
Tip #6: Know When To Throw Your Tree Away
Nobody likes getting rid of their tree after the holidays are over, but it can be unsafe to keep your Christmas tree around too long.
Once needles start to drop from your tree, it's time for it to hit the curb.
Tip #7: Check Light Strands For Damage
You should always check each strand of lights for broken bulbs, cracked sockets, frayed wires, or loose connections. Throw these strands away.
If you have a metal tree, don't use electric lights; your tree could become electrically charged.
Tip #8: Only Purchase Tested And Approved Artificial Trees
If you decide to go with an artificial tree instead of a real tree, there aren't as many things to worry about.
That being said, you should still pay attention to the tree. Only buy flame-resistant and safety-tested artificial Christmas trees.
Tip #9: Always Keep A Fire Extinguisher Nearby
No matter what kind of tree you choose, you should always keep a fire extinguisher nearby.
Make sure everyone in your home knows where the fire extinguisher is located, just in case.
If you love decorating your Christmas tree, please SHARE this article with your friends!