Now that the weather is finally getting warmer again, we can all welcome our favorite thing of the season: allergies!
I don't know about you, but every spring and summer I always end up with watery eyes, an itchy nose, and I never stop sneezing. I spend at least $100 each season on Kleenex alone! Though there's no cure for allergies, there are certainly ways to fight them.
While some of your friends will tell you to just get an over the counter allergy pill like Claritin, Zyrtec, or Allegra, many others are starting to find the joys of defeating allergies naturally.
Though some of these interesting solutions seem pretty obvious and straightforward, but I have to admit I've never thought of #9's solution until today. I should be doing that anyways!
Let us know in the comments below, have you ever tried any of these natural old-fashioned allergy remedies before? Or do you just stick with the over the counter solutions?
Please SHARE these natural remedies with your own stuffy-headed friends and family!
1. Eat local honey

The jury is still out on this one: Though some scientists say eating raw, local honey will not help fight your allergies, others vehemently disagree. Either way, supporting local beekeepers and bees certainly can't hurt!
2. Drink a lot of fluids

If you suffer from allergies, try drinking more water, tea, soup, or other fluids. Just a little extra liquid in your system can give you some much needed relief.
3. Flush your nasal passages

A neti pot is a ceramic dish that you can use to flush out your sinuses with a salt-water solution. It can be an amazing way to cleanse and eliminate annoying mucus.
4. Wear a mask while doing yard or housework

If allergies are really making you suffer it might actually be worth looking into getting a mask. At least when you're mowing the lawn, vacuuming, dusting, or doing some cleaning.
5. Drink green tea

Green tea is packed to the brim with powerful antioxidants that block chemicals that can cause allergy symptoms. Drink three cups a day for the best results!
6. Take a bath

After being outside for hours every day, your body is covered in pollen and other tiny particles. Taking a shower or bath once you get home is a great way to wash away the allergies and keep them where they belong: outside!
7. Eat your greens!

It sounds obvious, but some of us need to hear it again! Eating your greens will supply you with vital nutrients you need to strengthen your immune system.
8. Close your windows

Seems pretty obvious, but not a lot of people have thought of this one. When you keep your windows open, you allow pollen and other allergy inducing substances to fly into your house!
9. Keep your shoes at the door

Another that might seem obvious, but after tromping through the grass, dirt, and pollen all day, your shoes are covered in these allergy causing particles. If you take your shoes off at the door, you won't have to worry about dragging it in.
10. Avoid what makes you sneeze

If it makes you sneeze and cough…you should probably avoid it. If you're allergic to dog or cat dander, look into buying a dog breed that doesn't shed as much. Or, at the very least, don't roll around with hundreds of dogs at the same time anymore.
11. Inhale some steam

Inhaling steam is an easy way to relieve congested nasal passages. Sit over a hot bowl of water and place a towel over your head to trap in the steam.
12. Avoid fumes and pollution

Smog, fumes, and pollution can aggravate your already terrible allergy symptoms. Try to avoid places where there are heavy fumes or smoke. If you smoke cigarettes, try to quit or cut down.
13. Breathe in

Life is stressful. Stress lowers your immune system to begin with; sometimes just being mindful of your breathing and calming yourself down for a few moments every day can help you fight allergies naturally.
14. Fight through it!

Sometimes there's just nothing you can do about allergies. But like anything, if you let it beat you down, you'll be doomed to fail. Do your best to fight through it and continue your day as if you're not sneezing, crying, and coughing all over the place. Sometimes mind over matter works, and eventually you'll fight through the annoying symptoms and get back to normal!
What remedies do you use to make it through allergy season? Let us know in the comments below!
And please SHARE these natural remedies with your own stuffy-headed friends and family!