The Blues Brothers is one of those movies that I can watch over, and over, and over again and never get tired of it. John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd are the perfect comedic pair, and if you haven't seen this movie yet, it's high time to get out there and do yourself this solid!
There are so many priceless scenes in this movie, and just as many impressive musical numbers to top it off. Belushi and Aykroyd prove themselves as being not only hilarious, but great musicians and dancers, too! It doesn't hurt that there are tons of famous musicians that make cameos in this classic, including James Brown, Cab Calloway, and Ray Charles.
As if those three names weren't enough for you, Aretha Franklin makes an appearance, too. That's right, the queen diva, the immeasurably talented Aretha Franklin! In this unforgettable scene, she tries to convince her husband to stay with her instead of rejoining the band with Jake (Belushi) and Elwood (Aykroyd). But, seeing as getting the band back together is a "mission from God" to save the Catholic home where the Blues brothers grew up… well, you can guess what he decides to do.
Watching this scene only builds up the respect I already have for this woman. She's simply so good, and I love that she wanted to be a part of this wonderfully silly, yet brilliant, movie.
Please SHARE Franklin's awesome contribution to comedy with your friends and family!