Former Buckingham Palace Butler Spills Secrets About What It’s Like To Work For The Royals

I've always wondered what it would be like to have a butler cater to my every want and need.

If I'm craving a soda, one would magically appear from the fridge. If I wanted to take a bath, it would magically fill itself. If I wanted dinner ordered from a specific restaurant — boom, it's done.

Obviously, there's no chance of me ever having enough money to hire a butler. After all, I'm not part of the royal family.

The royals do in fact have butlers (as if that comes as any surprise), but now, one former butler, Richard Kerrigan, is spilling secrets about what it's really like to work for the royal family.

Richard went on The Morning Show to discuss his time as a butler at Buckingham Palace. He explained what his duties were, what he did on a daily basis, and exactly what it was like to interact with the royals.

[H/T: Daily Mail]

Former royal butler Richard Kerrigan, who now works as a fitness trainer in Australia, joined the hosts of UK's The Morning Show to talk about his time at Buckingham Palace.

Summer Opening of Buckingham Palace
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One of the first jobs Richard described was preparing the great table for events.

"When the plates are all set up," he explains, "You've got to measure it with a ruler and make sure that the plates are all in line."

One of the hosts asked Richard what security was like in the Palace, and he explained that it was very strict.

Cell phones are totally prohibited.

Richard once tried to take a selfie and immediately got into trouble.

Richard also revealed that in order to enter the Palace as staff, you're taken through a big metal detector.

In addition to not being able to have your phone, there's always a lot of security around.

CHOGM London 2018 - Day 4
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As a butler, Richard primarily worked with food service, preparing for banquets and events.

He was there when the Queen welcomed George W. Bush as a guest of honor, and that took a lot of preparation.

State Banquet in honour of HRH Queen Elizabeth ll
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The butlers primarily remain behind the scenes and are alerted to when they can enter the room via a traffic light-like system.

When the red light is on outside the room, it means they can't enter. When it turns green, butlers are allowed to go into the room.

The show's hosts had one specific question they were dying to ask Richard: What's the most unusual thing you ever had to do as a butler?

Richard told a story about one particular time he thought he was just getting some food for a guest from the kitchen, but when he was handed the food, he saw a note on it that said, "the Queen's soup."

Tim Graham/Getty Images

And of the entire royal family, Richard only has wonderful things to say.

"They're so nice," he explains. Even when they had guests, the royals would say hello to the help.

Mike Annese/iStock

According to Richard, Harry and William are "awesome."

And, as you would expect of the royals, they were always on their best behavior in the Palace.

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