When it comes to birthday cakes in my family, we stick to the regular Betty Crocker mix and traditional frosting, but I definitely wouldn't mind if we started trying to kick that up a notch. Don't get me wrong, I love chowing down on the sweet treat regardless of what it looks like, but watching some of the skilled bakers you can find on YouTube has definitely inspired me to try some fun new ideas.
Of course, I'm not ready to dive into anything too complicated, like "the most dangerous chocolate cake," but I think I could tackle something that just takes a little extra patience. That's exactly why this amazing yet simple design seems right up my alley!
After carving out the cake into matching butterfly wings, baker Vanessa gets started on filling in the blanks with some colorful buttercream frosting. It's incredible watching the messy clumps and layers transform as she adds each new mound of yummy frosting on top of each other. At first, it looks like nothing all that impressive, but watch as she drags a scraper over the whole thing to see it suddenly turn into beautiful airbrushed appearance.
Things look a bit trickier when she starts to add the finer details with her piping bag, but her slow process shows that it just takes a little extra time and steady hand.
Seeing the ordinary yellow cake become a gorgeous butterfly is the perfect metaphor for the gorgeous bugs! And way cuter than watching a caterpillar do its thing.
Take a look and be sure to SHARE with your friends!