11 Appalling Etiquette Mistakes People Don’t Realize They Are Making Every Single Day

Good manners seem to be one of the first things to go when a person is in a bad mood, in a rush, or just simply doesn't care about those around them.

It's heartbreaking how common rudeness has become across the globe. Don't get me wrong — I'm not trying to say we should all go back to the old way of life in the 1950s, especially considering how poorly that era tended to treat women, but we are long overdue for a brush-up on how to behave more like the gentleman or lady inside us all.

Besides, you don't want to be the one person who looks like a jerk in front of everyone at a social gathering just because you weren't aware of how your actions would be interpreted.

Some of these common mistakes even date back to the Victorian era, but they are so easy to avoid.

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1. Covering Your Mouth With Your Right Hand

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn/LittleThings

Yes, it is the polite approach to handling a tickle in your throat while you're out in public, but you should also always make sure to never use your right hand. That's what we shake with when introduced to someone, and they really don't want our germs.

2. Possessing Awful Handshake Skills

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn/LittleThings

A handshake can make all the difference in your first impression of someone, so make sure yours isn't too limp or too firm. You don't want to crush them, but you also don't want them to feel like they're suddenly holding an uncooked chicken breast.

3. Waiting to Be Introduced

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn/LittleThings

Listen, everyone forgets an acquaintance's name now and then, so take the pressure off the situation by getting the ball rolling on your own. That, or really commit to being that guy who always wears a name tag.

4. Being the Friend Who's Always Late

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn/LittleThings

Well, you're also the friend who is super rude! It's not fair to those waiting on you to constantly have their time taken for granted — and they might just stop waiting for you altogether.

5. Sitting Down Incorrectly

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn/LittleThings

That's right — even something as small as taking a seat can go awry. However, if you remember to always approach on the left and exit on the right, everything will be as smooth as traffic lanes before rush hour starts.

6. Announcing You're Leaving to Use the Bathroom

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn/LittleThings

A simple "excuse me" will more than suffice. People will likely understand your absence without you having to go into detail.

7. Only Passing the Salt When Requested

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn/LittleThings

They might not have asked for it, but the rest of those seated in the area might have a hankering for some pepper, too, and you'll be one step ahead in polite points.

8. Clapping Your Hands Wildly

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn/LittleThings

Just make sure you're not flailing about with your hands in front of your face — or worse, someone else's. Best practice is to keep your hands chest-level and slightly to the left.

9. Pointing at People

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn/LittleThings

Your mom was right: It's just rude! Pointing at places and things are fine, but fellow human beings deserve a gesture using your full hand.

10. Not Responding to an RSVP

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn/LittleThings

These days, it's usually as easy as clicking "yes" or "no" on a Facebook invite. They also have a "maybe" option now, too! And even if you do have to bust out a pen and postage stamp, there's really no excuse for leaving a host hanging.

11. Using the Wrong Utensil

Joy - Sujintana Kansakarn/LittleThings

A formal place setting can be daunting when you're ready to chow down, but just remember: work from the outside in! No matter how many forks and spoons you're staring at, that rule will always apply.