By now, many have weighed in on the controversial question, "Would you rather be stuck in a forest with a man or a bear?" The question went viral on social media after many women said they would rather be alone in the woods with a bear. The debate seems to have started with a video shared on social media by SCREENSHOT. In the video, eight women answered the question, and among them, only one woman said "man." The others answered "bear" without really hesitating.
One TikTok user decided to pose the question to her dad.
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"Alright, you know us three daughters, right?" the woman, Celeste Nield, asked her dad in a video that she shared on TikTok. "So, if any of us were to walk through the woods and there was either a bear or a man, who would you rather have us be alone in the woods with, a bear or a man?"
Her dad appeared to take some time to think about it before answering, "a bear."
Celeste asked her dad to explain why he chose the bear. He explained that "a bear might leave you alone," and added that a man could be "perverted."
Some people who watched the video noticed how Celeste's dad looked sad when he realized what his answer was. "The sadness in his eyes when he said bear and the realization of what that actually means broke me," one person commented on TikTok.
Other women said they asked men in their lives as well, and those men also chose the bear. "I asked my husband this way too and he got upset and said bear and said he's so upset he has to choose bear," one person commented.
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"My dad is 73," one person responded to the video. "Has 4 daughters. 9 granddaughters. He said bear without hesitation. Didn't even look away from the TV."
One man commented saying that he doesn't have any daughters, but has a teenage son. In spite of this, he would still choose the bear, he said. "I'm 6'3" and hike in the deep woods and I too would rather a bear than a man," he wrote.
These heartbreaking responses speak volumes, but we're thankful for the men who've been brave enough to answer honestly and reflect on the weight of their responses.