Divers Discover Body And Vehicle In Search Of Missing CA Teen; ‘It’s A Double-Edged Sword’

Divers in Truckee, California, made a grizzly discovery on Sunday. While searching for missing teen Kiely Rodni in the Prosser Creek Reservoir, divers discovered a vehicle and a body.

The vehicle is believed to be the 2013 Honda CRV Rodni was last known to be driving. According to the New York Post, the diver who made the discovery said the license plate matches. At this time, the body discovered has not been identified by police. Rodni’s family also made a statement through a spokesperson saying the identity of the body has not been confirmed at this time.

Kiely Rodni was first reported missing on August 6, 2022, when she did not return home after a graduation party. She was last seen at around 12:30 a.m. The party was celebrating high school seniors. Rodni graduated at 16 years old with honors.

The divers who made the discovery were with an organization called Adventures With Purpose, which had been recruited by police to help aid in the search. This is an Oregon-based organization. The AWP dive team began their search in the reservoir on Sunday, even though police had previously searched it.

Josh Cantu, a diver with Adventures With Purpose, told The New York Post, “Police told us they did a rigorous search of this body of water. They gave us a grid map and made us confident we didn’t need to search here.”

However, the water levels had changed since the police searched the reservoir. When the Adventures With Purchase team searched, they found the vehicle and body. They started their search using sonar.

Cantu explained, “Our sonar showed an object bigger than a rock that shouldn’t have been there.” Cantu also said it is difficult to spot objects on sonar if one is not properly trained. He went on to say, “One of our divers went underwater and was able to identify a vehicle.”

That diver was 48-year-old Nick Rinn. He stated, “I went down and did my inspection. I saw the vehicle upside down, verified the license plate and that there were remains in the vehicle. Then I came out, we called the family and authorities and let them take it from there.”

Rinn added, “Now the water has receded and we’re seeing the vehicle went farther into the water than maybe [police] thought.” He explained, “When a vehicle goes in the water, it has air trapped in it for a while so it will float for a little ways before it fills with water and sinks.”

The vehicle and human remains were found around 20 to 40 feet from the water’s edge. This is near a part of the Prosser Family Campground, which was the location of the graduation party Rodni was attending the night of her disappearance. Locals call it “The Sanctuary,” as it overlooks the reservoir. It is possible for a car to accidentally drive into it.

Rinn, the diver who found the car and body, has mixed feelings about his discovery. “Obviously it’s a double-edged sword. It’s something you don’t want to find in this type of scenario, but at the same time, it’s good to bring some answers for family and law enforcement.”

Just one day before the discovery, Rodni’s family issued a hopeful statement: “It is in our hearts that you are out there and we will find you and bring you home.” Investigators had previously suspected that Rodni was abducted because they could not find her car. This new discovery changes this hypothesis. The public will have to wait for further comment from the Placer County Sheriff's Office for closure on this case.