When you're looking to decorate a room or your new house, there are a couple of different ways of doing it.
You can hire an interior designer to make it look like something out of a catalogue, or you can get hands-on and really personalize your space to meet your own tastes and aesthetics.
Personally, I prefer the latter. When you design your house with incredible DIY projects, you can point to any room of your house and say: "I did that!"
Whether, it's creating your own sliding barn doors or making your own candles, taking the time to create your own DIY project can really personalize your space. That's why I'm so impressed with the DIY project below that was initially posted by Imgur user "snortpuppy."
The user and his roommate recently moved into a new apartment in Kansas City and they wanted to create a piece of art that was unique to them and would commemorate their big move. The finished product is sleek, stylish, and would probably cost four times as much if they had bought it in a store.
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The roommates wanted to etch this Kansas City skyline into a mirror to hang in their new apartment.

They bought an inexpensive mirror at Walmart and then lined up their image exactly where they wanted it.

They took thin contact paper and began to trace the outline of their desired image.

Wisely, they did this on a window to the outside so it was easier to the see the outline.

Once they had the outline traced, they removed the paper and used X-Acto knives to cut out the tracing.

They cut their pattern into sections so it would be easier to handle.

One of the most difficult parts of the process was making sure that all of the details of the bridge were lined up, centered, and even.

After they had the pattern all lined up on the mirror, they waterproofed it and got ready for one of the most important steps.

They used Armour Etch on the exposed parts of the mirror to give them a cloudy look.

According to the roommates, you only have to let the Armour Etch sit for a few minutes for it to work.

But once it was dry, they just had to remove the contact paper (though they admit the areas with massive amounts of detail were a little hard to remove).

The finished product is impressive and could easily be sold in stores.

But more than that, the two roommates can tell anyone who comes to visit: "We made this!'

Is this something you'd try at home? Let us know in the comments!

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