Spencer hasn't walked since he was a puppy — he was paralyzed most of his life in his back legs. But recently, this adorable two-year-old English bull dog got a new pair of leg braces from a man who had only fitted human legs. For his first canine patient, he completed the braces with a pair of children's-sized green Crocs to stabilize Spencer's gate!
Spencer's family waited in high anticipation as he was placed on the ground in his new legs — and they were SO excited to see this pup walked right out of the examining room. It was the first time he had walked since he was a little boy. And as if this wasn't a big enough accomplishment, Spencer returned home for his first walk with his "brother," Porkchop, a blind pig. These two help each other out and provide each other with support and empathy only they can understand. So beautiful!!
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