Have you ever been curious about dyslexia? Maybe you’ve often wondered about it when you’ve had difficulty concentrating or continual trouble spelling or reading.
While this isn’t by any means fully comprehensive, and you should visit a specialist if you’re seeking out a true diagnosis, if you’re looking for a good place to start, this dyslexia test posted on YouTube can help guide you through a few criteria.
This test is based on the Bangor Dyslexia Test, a short screener test with a broad age range. In a study based out of the UK, it was found that 94% of this test’s participants were classified correctly.
The test is split into nine parts containing both questions and tasks. If you answer yes to any of the questions or have trouble completing one of the tasks, it may be a sign of dyslexia. If you collect four or more indicators, this test would consider you dyslexic.
For the test, you’ll need a pencil and a piece of paper and need to make a short list that’s shown in the video.
Most of the exercises included in the test are fairly easy to complete. For example, one of the first ones is pointing your left hand toward the right shoulder of the individual administering the test.
If you have trouble differentiating between left and right, especially if it’s something you’ve struggled with in the past, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re dyslexic, but it could be a possible indicator.
To go through the rest of the questions and give yourself the full test, check out the video posted by Arje-Aike de Haas, who lives with dyslexia himself, on YouTube.
*Disclaimer: The advice on LittleThings.com is not a substitute for consultation with a medical professional or treatment for a specific condition. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem without consulting a qualified professional. Please contact your health-care provider with questions and concerns.