This Is Why You Should Never Eat Bananas First Thing In The Morning

Early in the morning, it's easy to reach for the closest food and eat it quickly before running out of the house for work or errands.

Some mornings, you might not even have time to grab breakfast at all — I know that happens a lot to me.

Most of us know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day; it jump-starts our metabolism and gets our energy up so we can go about our daily business.

Unfortunately, many of us don't have time to eat the breakfast we'd like to every day.

Sure, a stack of pancakes, a strip of bacon, and a cup of yogurt would be a great way to start the morning, but some of us are lucky if we even get a chance to consume anything besides a cup of coffee.

Whether you have an empty stomach after waking up or later in the day, you might just grab a quick snack like a pastry or a fruit. However, those foods may actually not be the best for your stomach.

Read below to find out which foods you should eat and which foods you should avoid on an empty stomach!

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Why Does It Matter What I Have For Breakfast?

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

When it comes to breakfast, we know the basics of what we should and shouldn't eat. Still, there are some surprising foods that may upset your stomach first thing in the morning.

Unlike other meals, we almost always eat breakfast on a completely empty stomach. Because our stomachs are empty, they're more sensitive when it comes to the foods we put in them.

Which Foods Are Bad To Eat On An Empty Stomach?

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

Most of us know that we shouldn't eat, say, cupcakes and ice cream for breakfast. However, there are actually a lot of "healthy" foods that you may want to avoid as well.

A lot of the following foods can be good parts of a balanced breakfast, but shouldn't be the only thing you consume on an empty stomach.

BAD: Citrus Fruits

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

Many people love eating oranges or grapefruits first thing in the morning, but they could actually cause problems.

The Hearty Soul explains that citrus fruits can irritate your lower esophagus, especially if you eat them on an empty stomach.

BAD: Bananas

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

This might surprise a lot of people, but bananas are not necessarily the best thing to eat first thing in the morning.

According to Brightside, bananas can cause a sharp increase in the amount of magnesium in your bloodstream, which can potentially harm your heart.

BAD: Yogurt

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

I don't know about you, but when I'm trying to have a healthy breakfast, I always gravitate toward yogurt. Apparently, though, I shouldn't be.

It's not that eating yogurt on an empty stomach is bad for you, it just doesn't give you all the benefits it can provide if you've already eaten something.

The lactic acid bacteria found in yogurt (which is good for you) gets killed by your stomach's hydrochloric acid if you haven't eaten anything else.

BAD: Pastries

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

Danishes and croissants, although delicious, can cause problems when you eat them on an empty stomach.

According to Bright Side, foods like puff pastries and shortcrust contain a type of yeast that irritates the stomach lining, causing flatulence.

Pastries also often contain processed sugar, which Lifehack explains can overload the liver.

BAD: Pears

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

Grabbing a pear when you're hungry might seem like a healthy choice, but nutritionist Tamara Melton tells Huffington Post that a single fruit won't fill you up.

Brightside explains that pears have crude fiber, which can injure the mucous membranes of an empty stomach.

BAD: Cold Carbonated Drinks

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

Most of us know we probably shouldn't drink soda for breakfast, but sometimes it's a good source of caffeine when you don't have coffee.

The problem with drinking cold carbonated beverages on an empty stomach is that they can damage your stomach's mucous membrane, which slows down your food digestion process.

BAD: Tomatoes

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

According to The Hearty Soul, you shouldn't eat tomatoes on an empty stomach, especially if you have acid reflux or stomach ulcers.

Tomatoes are high in tannic acid, which can increase the acid levels in your stomach, worsening reflux and causing discomfort.

BAD: Cucumbers

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

Many of us don't think to reach for veggies first thing in the morning, but if you do, choose wisely.

Raw veggies like cucumbers are without a doubt good for your overall health. However, when you eat them on an empty stomach, they can cause abdominal pain, heartburn, flatulence, and general discomfort.

Which Foods Are Good To Eat On An Empty Stomach?

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

Now you might be wondering, "Wait, what can I eat?"

Well, lots of things! There are a good number of foods that are great to eat on an empty stomach — you probably already eat a lot of them in the morning without thinking about it.

GOOD: Watermelon

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

If you crave fruit first thing in the morning and are disappointed to find out that citrus isn't a great choice, turn to watermelon.

Because it has so much fluid, it helps hydrate you in the morning. Its high levels of lycopene can also improve the health of your heart and eyes, according to The Hearty Soul.

GOOD: Cornmeal

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

Cornmeal porridge is a great way to fill up when you have an empty stomach.

Brightside explains that cornmeal can help remove toxins and heavy metals from your body, as well as normalize your intestinal microflora.

GOOD: Eggs

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

Eggs, as many of us know, are high in protein and are great at keeping you feeling full for hours after consuming them.

According to The Hearty Soul, eggs have been shown to significantly reduce people's daily caloric intake, which means you won't feel as inclined to snack throughout the day!

GOOD: Buckwheat

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

Buckwheat is a great addition to a variety of breakfast foods including pancakes, smoothies, and breakfast bars.

Buckwheat gently stimulates digestion, which makes it a great food to start the day with.

GOOD: Oatmeal

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

Ah, oatmeal. A lot of us know that we feel satisfied and healthy after eating a bowl of oatmeal in the morning, but don't know exactly why.

Oatmeal is a great breakfast food because it contains soluble fiber, which is known to lower cholesterol.

In addition, oatmeal creates a protective coating around the stomach, which prevents problematic acids from causing issues.

GOOD: Wheat Germ

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

Adding wheat germ to your diet can help keep your digestive system run smoothly.

Wheat germ can be used as a topping for many breakfast items, including sliced fruit, oatmeal, or yogurt. It's also a great addition to baked goods, as well as pancakes and waffles.

Wheat germ provides a serious amount of vitamin E (15 percent of the daily recommended value) and folic acid (10 percent of the daily recommended value).

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