It’s a parent’s job to provide for their children as they are growing up. Two fathers in Florida took this responsibility to the extreme. They purchased their newborn son his own yacht and designer wardrobe.
Fifty-two-year-old Barrie Drewitt-Barlow and fiancé, Scott Hutchinson, age 27, had their son Romeo Tarquin on August 12, 2022, via a surrogate. Since his birth, Romeo has been lavished with luxury gifts. The yacht Romeo was gifted by Barrie and Scott is worth $2.8 million, and his luxury duds are reported to be worth $34,600.
Barrie and Scott do not appear to think these gifts are out of the ordinary. Barrie told The Sun, “We just spent $2.8 million on a yacht for Romeo and named it after him. It is currently in Miami where Saffron [my eldest daughter] is boarding, with her new boyfriend and heading over to Cuba and the surrounding islands for two weeks.”
He added, “We want to give him the same start in life as the other kids so we have set up a trust fund for him. Tony [my ex] gifted him $1.15 million and I matched it for him.”
As if the yacht and trust fund were not enough, Barrie wants it to be clear he will manage Romeo’s money so he gets the most out of it: “We will obviously build up a nice portfolio of things for him over the next few years.” He wants his son to be well taken care of.
Beyond his finances, Romeo will be sharply dressed. Scott and Barrie have “literally bought every designer that you can imagine” for Romeo. “Burberry, Versace, Dior, Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, if a designer sells baby clothes we have snapped them up.”
Never fear, Romeo’s 2-year-old sister, Valentina, is not jealous of her brother. She gets plenty of her own gifts. “She has a personal chef, a whole play room full of the latest gadgets and toys, full time live-in nanny and a team of house staff that take care of her every need, including a full time hair stylist that styles her hair every day.”
Barrie, who appeared on the reality show Below Deck, and ex-husband Tony Drewitt-Barlow had a high-profile divorce in 2019. They share five children: Saffron, age 22; Aspen, age 22; Orlando, age 18; and twins Jasper and Dallas, both age 11. They also share a combined fortune of $204 million, even after the divorce.
Beyond their money and relationship, Barrie and Tony are famous for another reason. They became affectionately known as Britain’s first “gay dads” in 1999. This was because they were the first couple to list their paternity as “parent one” and “parent two” instead of mother and father on their child’s birth certificate.
Tony, Tony’s new partner Brent, Scott, and Barrie all live together in Florida. The two couples live in Tony’s $6.9 million, 10-bedroom Florida mansion. Barrie and Scott are building a new $6.9 million home in Essex, England.
Tony, Barrie, and Scott all aided in Romeo’s conception. All three men donated sperm. Scott and Barrie decided on Romeo’s gender through sex selection.
Although Tony, Barrie, Brent, and Scott’s relationship might be unconventional, they appear to love each other and work as a family unit. Tony and Barrie’s daughter Saffron also got in on the gift giving to baby Romeo, her half-brother. "Before he was born our eldest daughter Saffron spent over $11,500 on clothes," Barrie said. "The moment he was born, another $23K, she has totally gone over the top."
Saffron and Scott were once romantically linked. It turns out that she was simply helping Scott, who was not ready to come out yet, by pretending to be his girlfriend. Now Scott is set to become her stepdad. She is happy for both her friend Scott and her father.