After a tough 2020, I finally took up a hobby that I told myself I'd pick up for years — and that's yoga. Yoga is one of the best exercises out there, since it leaves you feeling mentally refreshed at the end of each class. However, there was an issue that yoga clued me into pretty quickly.
And that was that my feet looked terrible. They were cracked, dry, and in need of some good nail polish. Out of all parts of myself, I admit that I think about my feet the least. Usually, they're covered up with socks and shoes. Out of sight, out of mind.
Yet yoga reminded me that maybe I should start caring. After all, feet do so much. Without feet, mobility would be more difficult. And without feet, doing yoga wouldn't be impossible, but it would be pretty challenging.
Thus, I vowed to make a 2021 resolution I knew I could stick with. I was going to take better care of my feet.
Obviously, long baths were step one.
I will take any excuse I can to take a nice bath, especially since we're fortunate enough to have a deep tub. Baths can be great, because unlike showers, you can really give your feet a nice scrub and soak. While I always make a point to wash my feet in the shower, it's not as detailed as it gets in the tub.
Tea Tree Oil Foot Soak is pretty great, since it works two ways. Not only does it pamper your feet and leave them smelling clean, but it also helps fight bacteria that may be lurking.
But bathing is not the only thing you should do for your feet — especially if you have years of damage like I do. It's important to take care of your toenails, especially now that safe pedicures are more of a rarity these days. With a small brush, you can exfoliate the skin around your nails to help smooth them out. Trimming and filing your nails is also important, especially if you happen to sleep next to someone. Ever get accidentally kicked by a partner with a rough toenail at 3 a.m.? It's not fun.

But my best treatment of all? It's something that my husband and I refer to as our "blue feet." Any self-improvement method that can be taken care of while I'm sleeping is fine by me. These NatraCure Moisturizing Gel Socks were found on Amazon, and based on the reviews, they seemed to have everything I could have wanted.
My husband ended up buying his own pair.
Would I have preferred if they came in different colors? Yes, I absolutely would. Because even though I have no issue sharing most products with my husband, these are a bit different. However, it was kind of nice sharing the experience. And, of course, my daughter ended up wanting a pair as well. (She's not even 4 yet, so that's not happening.)
It seems very strange, but like most things in life, having a partner remind me about my own foot health made it easier to remember to keep wearing them. My feet were a lot softer after just a few days.
Good nail polish is also a great way to treat yourself. And you can really get crazy with it. Why not have toenails of every color in the rainbow? Unlike a manicure, which many people can see, a pedicure is often hidden. It seems weird, but it's oddly thrilling to have green and black sparkly toenails. Or, green and red, if you're still in the Christmas spirit.
Inspection is also key. How often have you actually bent down and taken a good look at your toenails? As you know, it took until yoga for me to really get a good look. While I've been thankfully free from it, toenail fungus is a thing. But the good news is, it's pretty easy and common to treat. If you're curious as to whether or not you have it, discoloration is a big key. If you're always in shoes, toe fungus has a better chance of taking hold.
Apple cider vinegar is a great way to try to battle it. Seriously — is there anything apple cider vinegar can't do?
Foot health is more important than you may think. According to Southeast Orthopedic Specialists, preventative foot care can help solve a ton of issues. Think about it — feet are important for so many things. Working, shopping, and, of course, walking. If your feet are in bad shape, literally everything you do will be more difficult. Paying attention to my feet was an easy resolution that also fell into the category of self-care. And it can also boost your confidence.
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