Couple Doesn’t Let 500-Acre Blaze Ruin Their Wedding!

Laura Ulmer and her groom had the picture-perfect wedding. But sometimes when you think everything is going exactly as planned, life just has a way of throwing those unpredictable curveballs at you. The only thing we can do in those situations is work with what we've got to get through the situation. That's exactly what Laura and her husband did. Moments after the couple had taken their vows, a 500-acre fire was headed straight for the ceremony.

“At first we kind of went into a panic and chaos… everyone, of course, was fearful right away about a fire and what that implication was for that,” wedding coordinator Kelly Hancock told CBS.

The couple and 50 guests had to quickly evacuate the area. There was no time to take the decorations, food, or DJ. They had to abandon everything and make a run for it. Kelly and DJ Scott Christopher kept the guests calm as the smoke began to head in their direction. They packed as much as they could and then drove 15 minutes away to the nearby Topanga Beach. The wedding reception continued… in the parking lot! It wasn't exactly what the bride and groom imagined, but they were able to have their first dance and cut their cake.

Let's just say everyone is going to remember this special day! Not a bad first lesson for the couple's first day of marriage either: life is messy and complicated, but all you need is love to get you through it.

Please SHARE this story if you're glad the show went on and no one was injured!