12 Times Someone Put Their Foot In Their Mouth In The Most Epic Way

You know that moment in the conversation where everyone goes silent, and you wish you could take back everything that just came out of our mouths? We've all been there.

Sometimes our words materialize faster than our brains are able to keep up with. Of course, there is no way to take back what we say. It's a terrible feeling, and all we can do is hope that everyone in the room understands we've simply made a mistake.

Whether it's goofing up in front of a significant other's parents, or making an accidentally snide remark to a total stranger, it's never fun to fumble with our words. But, we've all experienced it. If the person won't accept our apology, there's nothing left to do but move on with our lives!

These 12 stories from people who put their foot in their mouth are all worth a good laugh, even if they weren't all that funny at the time.

When's the last time you put your foot in your mouth? Let us know in the comments and please SHARE with your family and friends!

[H/T: Reddit 1, 2, 3, 4]

Thumbnail source: Flickr 1, 2


Flickr / malenga

"The first time I met my last girlfriend's mother, I wanted to compliment her with something like, 'I can see where Jane got her good looks!'

"Instead it came out, 'Wow, I'll bet when you were Jane's age you used to be good-looking, too!' This was followed by what felt like 5 minutes of awkward silence while she just scowled at me." — MostlyBullshit


Flickr / janeannv

"'Every place is so busy. We came here as a last resort.' – Me to the owner of a salon. I meant last resort as they are pricey, not that they give bad haircuts.

"Awkward silence through the haircut." — Ohsoeasy


Flickr / opacity

"I saw a beautiful girl at a party my friend was throwing and asked if she would introduce us. She told me that the girl was out of my league but I persisted. When I was finally introduced to Gabby I said 'Nice to meet you, my name is Gabby,' realized what I had said and laughed my ass off while walking away. She, apparently, was so out of my league." — chrisandfriends


Flickr / spazbot29

"I was just leaving my girlfriend's grandmother's funeral. On my way out I shook her father's hand and said, 'Thanks very much for inviting me,' like it was a party." — jamiem1


Flickr / Daveblog

"Waitress comes up to the table and says 'Aww you're so cute how old are you? Four?' I respond with the ever classic 'I'm five you idiot.'" — Reddit User


Flickr / kxbcheese

"When I saw in the movie Wedding Singer that someone said 'Good, she needs to get laid,' I did not know what it was, I assumed it was just something people said when someone was taking too long to do something. So one day I was with my aunt and she informed me my cousin was getting married. I said 'Good, she needs to get laid.'

"I look back at that now and just feel like hiding." — Raelrapids


Flickr / The Other Dan

"Offered a pregnant lady my seat, saying something like 'Here, you can have my seat. I know what it's like — my wife is pregnant too.'

"Turns out she wasn't pregnant. Also turns out he wasn't a lady." — booyaboombastic


Flickr / Magnus D

"My family says grace before prayer. Once, on Father's Day, I decided I would say something special for my dad. I have a terrible case of foot-in-mouth, so while my intention was to say something sweet, it ended up being like this: 'Dear Lord, thank you for dad on the day…that we're supposed to say that…amen.'

"It was really awkward. I could feel my siblings cringing." — Reddit User


Flickr / Send me adrift

"I was like 12 and getting facial hair for the first time. My friend's mom said, 'Look how long your beard is!'

I replied, 'Almost as long as yours!'" — Reddit User


Flickr / Jasn

"As I left my grandmother's funeral, I cheerfully waved to my great uncle and said, 'See you next time!'" — make_mama_proud


Flickr / Lars-Christian Simonsen

"I'm not a tall person, about 5'2". When I went for an interview at an office, they followed it up by introducing us to the person who would be our boss if we got the position. When he walked in, I don't know why I said it, and I honestly regretted it before I finished the sentence, but I blurted out 'Hey! He's my size!' The room laughed and when I left I couldn't help but think that I f****d it up. They called 10 minutes later to say I got the job.

"For the next 2 years, my boss would welcome me every morning with 'Hey, he's my size' and labeled our section of the office 'The Shire.'" — -TinMan-


Flickr / Richard Riley

"Accidentally called my girlfriend the wrong name, which happened to be the name of a very close female friend of mine." — wedsa5

Have you ever said anything you wish you could take back? Please SHARE with family and friends to see what kinds of stories they have.

These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.